Tree of Savior Forum

Add a Guild Wars system in the game

I really appreciate more if the developers will add a War of Emperium, castle siege or Guild wars system in the game. Currently the game is enjoyable in grinding, boss hunt, and levelling up until cap. But if you got max level its not enjoyable anymore so add a guild versus guild castle siege in the game for more fun.

Please search “GvG” next time before starting threads like these. This is not the first thread to suggest WoE.

Also atm I believe other things are higher priority than adding GvG, unless you want to see Barbarian/crit-based combat everywhere.

Already have, the pvp bug seems to be causing a guild wars in Klaipeda.

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KR OBT seems to already have implemented GvG in the G-Star trailer.

It’s GvGvRaid boss.

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Ok, started disliking the idea.
So guilds will have to kill themselves to deal the highest dps on the boss?

I’m not sure the mechanics for it. It was only shortly seen in the G-Star trailer. It should be different to actual raids, but I don’t know any specifics.

It also seems to be a thing for 2 guilds, but again it’s possible there can be more.

Then IMC could call it “Raid Boss Brawl”.

Maybe they did, no one knows the specifics. They have done in apparently in a previous game called Granado Espada.

Here is how they ran PvP in their previous game:

"PvP Raids
Battle Colosseum, Poison Yard, and Secret Temple are PvP raids, meaning all who enter are hostile to all others except those who they share squad with. The objective is to survive longest and kill the bosses that spawn, and win their drops.

Royal Rumble is a PvP arena in which all families are hostile to one another regardless of squad.

Team Arena is a PvP competition between 2 pre-defined teams (arranged in a mission lobby prior to starting the raid)."

It’s quite possible this raid will involve guilds fighting each other to win the raid boss loot.

PvP Raids were removed from the game I believe, didn’t saw news and neither in-game announcement about it have years.
Fire Isle had the pvp removed, or at least on the entrance.

Ah, well I don’t know what’s available in GE anymore, but its still possible they borrowed old ideas from their previous games regardless.

Here is the trailer showing it off:


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Did you also noticed the Red Panda and the other Mounts?
New pets coming :smiley:

And wow, so many cool stuffs coming to the game, that even made-me more hyped on the Muskeeter class.

And yep, I kind of noticed the pvp function, beside I does not really know if it is really a gvgvraid or not.

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The reason people believe it is, is because:

  1. The players that are attacking have different guild names (blue text under their name).

  2. There are 2 templars in the field, both the leaders of 2 different guilds.

  3. They show off guilds in the previous scene.

  4. The templars seem to have a guild ui button listed at the bottom right.

It’s almost no doubt that it is a gvg, but it’s questionable what the raid boss is for. Whether it’s for loot, or if it’s just a distraction in the field.

You can find all the info gathered here:

Can’t wait this was the best feature aion had. I know alot of people like PVE and PVP separate but i like when both are a part of the game and cross paths.
