Note that this info is only from what’s seen. None of it can be 100% confirmed till Nexon/IMC reveals the info.
Link to trailer:
If you find info that’s not listed here, please post below.
New Classes:
Swordsman -
Shinobi / Dragoon / Templar (Rank 8?)
Archer -
Musketeer / Cannoneer
Cleric -
Kabalist / Plague Doctor
Wizard -
Warlock / Featherfoot (Sage?)
Boss mechanics
Traps seem to be removed(?).
A recent patch on the KR servers also seemed to have removed the bullet hell mechanics.
Map changes
There’s now several different ways of traveling in certain maps.
There’s new climates (snow).
New form of PvP
Going off of Granado Espada, this seems to be a guild v guild v raid boss mode.
Guild System
Players have blue text under their name (Guild names), as well as the templar class having a unique guild ui button on their menu tray at the bottom right.
It also seems like guilds get a unique instance. The only thing shown is that you can have a garden in the guild instance.
Flavor of life changes
More cutscenes added to bosses, and some storyline. Some of it was changed as well.
New mounts.
Skills Shown:
1:54 - Snipe - 7s CD - Snipe a target on your screen from seemingly anywhere
1:59 - Covering fire - 15s CD - Use your musket like a machine gun, gunning down targets in front of you.
2:14 - Siege Burst - 40s CD - Lob cannon balls into the sky and down in an aoe on targets.
2:18 - Cannon Blast - 12s CD - Shoot your cannon directly in front of you doing mass aoe damage.
2:35 - Bunshin-no-jutsu - Clone skill - 30s CD - 15s duration - Consumes stamina
2:37 - Kunai - Unknown CD - 4 overheat charges - You and any clones shoot kunai in front of you.
2:39 - Katon-no-jutsu - 6s CD - Attack in a cone like area in front of you, similar to seism but much larger
2:20 - Gaebulg - Seems like a spear throw - 10s CD - Must pick up spear after(?)
2:25 - Unknown - 20s CD - Charge an attack and hit an enemy X times (could be based on size or charge time?)
2:02 - Pole of Agony - 0s CD - Summon fire pillar like poles of darkness.
2:05 - Invocation - Unknown - Summons little dark flame like spirits
2:05 - Dark Surge - 10s CD - Surges the spirits forwards to attack enemies.
2:29 - Bloodsucking - 6s CD - Channeling skill - Drain life from targets in front of you.
2:32 - Bloodbath - 8s CD - Make a target bleed, if you or other players touch the blood, you get healed.
2:42 - Gematria - 10s CD - Generates numbers, it’s unknown what the effects of these numbers are or if its random.
2:45 - Merkabah - 7s CD - Shoot 3 flame wheely things.
2:46 - Revenged Sevenfold - Some form of a buff that lasts around ~60s.
Plague Doctor:
2:48 - Beak Mask - Put on the beak mask, it seems to mess with the overheat skills available to plague doctor.
2:51 - Incineration (or Fumigate?) - 8s CD - Burns targets in front of you.
2:54 - Fumigate(?) - 13s CD - Unknown.