Tree of Savior Forum

Actual player using botting program

  • Server : Klaipeda

  • Team Name : Dischain

  • Location : Galeed Plateau

  • Approximate date / time (EDT) : 6:39 AM EDT, 3:55 PM EDT

  • Evidence: Saw the same player in the exact same spot doing the exact same things this afternoon, over 10 hours ago. What he would do is continuously autoattack while moving in a set pattern around that spot in the screen shot, and use swash buckling in a set period time, even if there are no mobs around. Made even clearer that he is not wearing any armor to prevent durability loss and using cheap throwaway weapons (unupgraded lvl 40 shield and spear), meaning that he planned to stick around for a long, long time before heading back to town.

Some circumstantial evidence is that when I called him out, he gave first gave the “me no English excuse”, then resorted to insults later. He also kept switching channels, staying in the same spot for bot farm, when I got close because I needed to take down his details

Second screen shot was taken 21 mins later, showing him in the same spot, doing the same things: attacking at thin air continuously. I also have recorded video evidence:

Here is another video, taken 9 hours later:

Please ban this guy asap and send a message to botters that just because you’ve actually played the game legitimately does not mean you can bot with impunity


And what is your problem exactly?

He responded to you, right? His action patterns are HIS BUSINESS. Maybe he’s watching a movie and doing the same actions at once? But he’s STILL THERE playing the game just like you do.

Seriously your witchhunt is getting out of hand.

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There are bots wich allows to reply inchat some preprogramed sentences,

Yea, he responded to me… then after that he turned on his bot and left. Oh, and did you not see the last video taken 9 hours later, with his character doing what it was doing 9 hours earlier? I was also beside the guy for 10 minutes, killing the mobs as they were spawning. If he was actually there he would have responded. But guess what, absolutely no change in behaviour. He’s definitely botting, and should be punished, end of story.

Actually, until he’s there and there’s no evidence that he isn’t he is NOT botting - end of story. Basically, even running a simple script and watching movie on an Ipad nearby is not botting. (If your script is just mouse clicks than can be stored by your device).

Bots have intelligence, and here’s just mindless clicking automated fr the sake of sanity.

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Sounds like the player is using Macro.

K, it’s a macro…and the person is still not playing the game, the computer/macro is. Still should be banned.


any kind of action automation be it a 3rd party program, macro, or script, should be bannable imo


I didn’t said it’s not bannable.
Macro is a way of botting, but dumbier.

@ 2nd SS, what if he’s using a heavy object to hold down a key ex TAB to auto-attack? you still get banned even without using a 3rd party program?

Thanks for bringing this to us. We will surely take the necessary action for this violators! :slight_smile: