Tree of Savior Forum

Active Player Event: Elite Hunter (28th Day is a Diamond Anvil)



The anvil issue you stated is not the problem. Myself and many others are frustrated because you guys didn’t fix the “golden anvil” typo to read “diamond anvil” for the entire 28 days. Due to the typo many players may have skipped the event. You can’t leave a typo uncorrected for 28 days and not expect players to be upset. There should be some kind of compensation or extending the event for that typo.

Also, some of us are on day 27 rewards but due to DST (daylight saving time) we are not able to receive the day 28 rewards because the server goes offline at 12am right as the event ends. Where as before DST we were able to receive the rewards 1 hour before the server goes offline.


I don’t think anyone can be so blind as to not read half the complaints in this thread right now.

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So true and very unfair indeed.

If you let a mistake go unchanged up until the last minute and correct it when half the server (players = your clients) have NO enough time to complete it anymore, what is the bloody point of that?

A fix is not just correcting your typo. A real fix is to extend the event we have chosen not to do because your typo lead us to believe it only had nothing worthy as a reward.

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I honestly did not know they were giving out Diamond Anvils, so I ignored the whole event throughout. What the hell?

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I think the reason why @STAFF_Amy didn’t understand the topic is because she didn’t play this event. She does care tho cause she reply even tho her answer was way off.

Legit i made 2 new character level 300 in 4 days. XD okok…my PD is 259 89%…( NOT 260 cause server shut down early) yaaaay.
regarless i was on my returning character and was like wtf is this shet… this doesn’t help my return to the game, in fact it makes me wanna not play with the lack of effort in making me wanna come back.

I like you @GM_Francis guys. you are awesome in game, and last i talked to you guys my lover [GM] Papaya was there to make the last gm event i could attend enjoyable. But i must say if you have any say in what goes on.

  1. make sure things are accurate with your events.
    Hopping this years is better with the current events going on as they are; Last thanksgiving i attended the broken way was way more enjoyable than the fixed way. maybe someones trying to work too fast and noone checks things, you could make a test server with 10 players to test only that event and make sure everything goes as planned.
  2. i know there’s TONS of hate towards how the game is run. Could you guys make a big post saying you need help? and or a post on what you can offer, or even ask us what we want.
    ~----------------------- My Responses -----------------------~
    #1) make the game better :kappa:
    #2) make sure you read your updates and content before releasing it. Have at least 2 people check over the update notes, as someone who works in a stressed environment and needs everything perfect the 1st time i know these things can’t /will not happen but effort is all that’s needed to be shown.
    #3) why are new player events better than ALL other player events? i made 2 characters over 250 in 4 days. i didn’t make all 4 characters because i work and i joined back ToS on Nov1. regardless Returning players need dungeon resets too, active players deserve 1-2 4x tomes a day, new players can keep all they’ve been getting.
    #4) Can skills be a little easier to understand? the lack of information on certain things is what makes this game quite difficult. watching a video of the skill does nothing but show me how pretty it is. if its useful i’ll never know. Can you guys show # examples instead of having us theory craft everything? “Tree of savior” more like “Tree of questions on how to be a savior”.
    I had a moment, i apologize, but i really enjoy this game, i just don’t want to say bye without trying to save it from the hands of the Demons, as i’m a IRL revelator trying to save his Papaya. @STAFF_Ethan :thinking:


regret missing this event


Just consider it as you being spared from a failed upgrade

true enough


Its to late now that they changed the event… only way to compensate for this is to give 2 Diamond anvil on the next event similar to the previous one.

damn you imc, i didnt do the even t just cause the rewards were too shitty ¬¬

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I guess this issue is getting swept under the rug?

@GM_Francis @GM_Sebastian @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Ethan

pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa
Bup bup bup bup
Ignore lvl 99

Diamond popo :tired: *

The listed rewards for active event player were kinda confusing. If you exchange the 2 medals you get 1 accessory voucher AND an enchant scroll. Then. What will you get on 1 accessory voucher by paying up 4 medals and the other one also on 6 medal exchange? I don’t know the difference or the reward you get from higher exchange of medals.

You need to exchange 1 by 1, everyday, so you get all the rewards in sequence.

Thanks for the reply. I’ve wasted my time saving up the medals to pay up more medals. Oh well. I should’ve fully read the event description first.

Yeah. They did that a lot. I hope they drink intelligent pills or something to make them genius. That is the only medicine I can give to IMC. The medicine for bakamono.

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Wait what ? You need to exchange medal everyday ? doesnt the events say 28 medals for diamond anvil? It stated there too that “Receive different rewards according to your total number of Goddess Medals exchanged!” so this means that its the times you exchange a medal and not quantity of the medal you exchange ? OMG