Tree of Savior Forum

Accounts Banned for Exploiting the Mystic Cube Timer Reset

7 days ban? ajajjajajaa this is just a joke, really?

kkkkkkkkkk u guys are funny. Lie like a child after break the candy pot

Ban for 7 days is very little, no matter if the person use once, has to take the permanent ban, yet but the command was announced in the game shout

It’s incredible how you millennials take IMC for granted. Try playing Everquest or Ultima Online back in the day and see how you like IMC’s customer service now.

Compensation for a sever problem??? BAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
You were lucky if they cared your account was hacked.

Also on a side note, if you think IMC is going to announce to the server that Exploit_01 is happening and not to use it, you’re just being silly.



No list, no trust. Sorry, but boleto abuse list was published, why not this one?

You guys need to be transparent. [quote=“STAFF_Yuri, post:24, topic:344787, full:true”]
That would be punishing them twice.

well, like they even care. See @VacaOverpower , for example. kek Also, if you guys are against this position, why this:

pfft in the everquest days I just tried to not die to skeletons. back in my day we had to walk in circles for hours before we found our way out of neriak. lol maps??? did they even exist in everquest?

nah but you see everquest was not buggy like tos was. the servers did not constantly crash and ect.

stop crying and buy more TP

@VacaOverpower is a really smart guy, he don’t need to use the command to abuse, just induce some dumbs to crash the channel for him.

i hope they permaban every one who opened the box more than once per day.

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maybe he is but people are getting banned for opening the cube a lot so unless he had an alt account and then got the practonium with his high lv chars then traded them to his other account in order to possibly avoid a ban… so it seems like he would have been banned if his char opened the cube multiple times.

yes cheaters think cheating is okay because many types of past abuses have not been punished or reset.

the only bad thing that can occur is when you start banning and punishing innocent players. having very stupid and strict rules that make no sense will tend to punish the player base.

iam very lazy to lvlup another acc, sorry

I know right. that is way too much effort when you could rather just afk farm and buy what you need :stuck_out_tongue:

but regards TP, yea, I should do that so I can buy my walletknight title.


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i now have 5500 defm and 88kHP, If I play without a weapon I do not take any more damage from Inquisitor.

But hey, I can (without weapon) still kill players


Please also look if they don’t abuse on the transcendence system, just for security becouse if they can rollback the channel after fail the transcendence with only one blessed, it can be a bigger problem than the proctonium thing.

  • Abusing Aipha for match-fixing.

I agree. @STAFF_Yuri will anything be done to those guilds abusing alt guilds in GvG for getting points and TP or will it be forgotten since they can’t use it anymore?

The staffs even said it was pretty lenient. I opened my Mystical Cube to get a Keistas Potion + Mystical Cube again normally as well a LOT of people. LOT of people played the game normally and nothing ever happened to anyone close to me as far as I can tell.

Gotta follow the new meme.

Stop embarrassing yourselves, again.

can i request a john snow meme saying “Stop embarrassing yourself…”

You obviously don’t remember the first year of everquest :expressionless:

And the game still has exploits that have been in since release :stuck_out_tongue: