Tree of Savior Forum

Accounts Banned for Abuse (May 20th ,2017)-Klaipeda, Orsha

Greetings Saviors!

The following is a list of blocked users and the reason they have been blocked.
If you feel that you have wrongly been banned, please report your case to us through the support page.

bot AMERN**
bot Anythin**
bot Ur**
bot gfhg**
bot kjuy**
bot nxjd**
bot xcft**
gold_seller 34432fsd**
gold_seller Dedrgrs**
gold_seller Rds**
gold_seller Rga**
gold_seller Rgsd**
gold_seller Rs**
gold_seller Tgd**
gold_seller Tjk**
gold_seller cfjhfduy**
gold_seller cvfdhd**
gold_seller dfjhsdg**
gold_seller fhdfgh**
gold_seller fvjhdf**
gold_seller trurew**
gold_seller vhfh**

bot Woi**
gold_seller 34533rt3e**
gold_seller 436twetfwe**
gold_seller Kuidfsertgsd**
gold_seller dfhdf**
gold_seller ereres**
gold_seller fdhxcg**
gold_seller rtrey**
gold_seller vtgudyd**

Thank you for your support and cooperation.

IMC Staff