Tree of Savior Forum

Accounts Banned for Abuse (April 25th, 2016)

I wonder how long it takes for RII to get impacted. I have been reporting the same bots for days and they’re still up and running =(

Has IMC confirmed anywhere that reporting gold spammers affects RII? Like either positively, negatively, or not at all? I haven’t been reporting the spammers because I don’t want to kill my RII from reporting farming bots on the field.

Fix the problem that causes the character’s head moves in all directions, when you walk in certain directions -.-

I did not find where to put this, and I started to frustrate

i have actually noticed less bots since i started playing the game, thanks for making the game more enjoyable.

I love how you attach the info in PNG like you are trying to pissed off those who wanted to find their account but …SURPRISE it’s not in HTML :joy:
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soul eater lol ‎ ‏ ‌ ‍ ‎ ‏ ‌ ‍ ‎ ‏ ‌ ‍ ‎ ‏ ‌ ‍ ‎ ‏

How do I report a hord of bots? The other day I was at miners village cave and found like 20 bots together I did take a video lol. I reported as much as I could but it was impossible to report them all because they were running and pilling up one over the other…

The video is probably a good way if you take it to the report forum, but, not sure if that will impact your RII lol

An addon would be nice if it was something simple like being able to right click and make a drag-box to select all the users in it at once, even if the only option present is a “Report all” from there lol

I tried a similar approach as you, but they were running around too often to make sure I clicked them all. I gave up and just killed them instead until I got bored XD