Tree of Savior Forum

About the server location

You mean the command that goes from the control to the char, yes indeed it dont need, that might be due to some code on the game, honestly using a Xbox controller felt really natural for me, but the action the char will take, for example, you have to move up, theres a coordinate you have to take, and that have to be send to the server or the other players wont see you moving. You wont notice that delay on the action taken if you are playing on Lan or you are hosting a game like in CS, i havent played GunZ in a long time, i think i played when it was released, didnt liked much the game tho but from what i remember there was some delay for me, S4 league i remember having serious problems with lag, i kept seeing others popping up all over the place, GW2 my only problem is latency, sometimes when i get a lag spike everything stop for a moment but i like the way the server recover the connection fast, never played Vindictus, i think its area restricted, and CS isnt my cup of tea.

The issues you had with delay and lag in GunZ and S4 are unrelated to the control feedback.
They were client-sided.

The part about me actually moving up to other players being delayed is not what I’m interested in.
Latency will ensure my character is always ‘late’ to everyone else no matter what, what I want is that the controls don’t feel sluggish and delayed on my part.

I won’t continue trying to explain this, you’d need professional assistance. I’m not tech-savvy enough to explain how this works, all I know is that it has, can and does.

Im honestly trying to understand your point on this, i know there where in the past, some people complaining about the way the characters, specialy wizard, move after shooting the basic attack, it does have a delay on the moviment due to the model moves, that is up to IMC to change to something shorter, if thats the case for me it wasnt gamebreaking, i played for a while as a pyro and had barely problems on playing, except during some bosses with no AoE restriction (the bear-type boss aoe cover the whole area not only the telegraphs). If that is the case then like i said, its up to then if they will change that or not.
In the end, if i compare this game to Ragnarok, the movements here are much more fluid than there. In RO it feel like the char is moving on a glue-like surface, getting stuck here and there, on ToS i didnt had that feeling in any moment.

It’s got little to do with movement, as movement seems to be fairly fluid on the player’s end.
If I press Z, I would like to do a timely auto-attack with the appropriate timing and see my attacks appear on queue, even if the damage shows up ‘late’.

My problem is that these happen when they don’t need to :

  • Press button x1 -> Character attacks x2 (melee, particularly)
  • Press button x1 -> Character attacks late.
  • Press Skill 1 -> Press Skill 2 early -> Skill 2 triggers even though it shouldn’t have
  • Press button x1 -> Character ‘swings’ -> Projectiles appear late and my character is stuck in motion.
    (other peeps can hop around during these, so I assume it’s a latency issue)

I will assume you are using keyb/mouse controls.

I cant be sure on this, sometimes dirty on the keyboard or some sort of defect on it (easily found on other games too IF the case) or something on the code of the game or even on the keybind config files (need confirmation).

Pretty much related to latency or due to slow model moviment of an earlier attack/skill used.

Let me know if i got this one right, You press skill 1, then press skill 2 during skill 1 execution and skill 2 triggers?

Indeed its latency issue, i myself had those on my ranger and wizard.

I’m really getting tired of repeating myself.
These are not problems only I am getting.
I have confirmed that this does happen.
I also use a DS4 controller. Alternating between board and controller.

Please stop trying to analyze and return my statements for I’m just going to give this up as a lost cause.
If you are so unwilling to believe the lag, make a thread to ask others about it.
This isn’t exactly an exclusive case to me by any means.

The players who are currently also on the KR test will probably tell you the same thing.

Skill 1 triggers, ends, then skill 2 begins only after 1 ends.

You can get tired all you want, i was trying to get your point as far as to what you said for me was lag, we are on a thread about server location and the lag some people get from the distance and other related issues, now you are reporting a bug you found on the control, which you just said you and a few are having, on a thread about the server location? I was just trying to pin point what where you want to get, but since its like this, leave it be as it is and report it as a bug or w/e you think it is.

Honestly im not a pro tech guy, but at least i know some stuff, if its something you and a few others are getting i cant think of anything as a bug, then go and report it as a bug in the bug section, not on a random post at a random section.

It has been reported. Quite a lot, I expect.
It’s not ‘a few’ people.

Pretty much everyone complaining about lag is aware of this issue.
This is a commonplace issue that most know about.

I am here to make a post about improving the game’s controls without having to deal with the latency.
That’s because the controls and difficulty of dodging are the two main reasons this lag is a problem at all, as far as I know. I am not here to report a bug that has been reported.
I presume you disbelieve this even existed, hence why you would assume it’s a bug report.
(also that you’ve forgotten what you originally replied to… because it looks nothing like a report…)

Among those 1401+319 people are people who know about this lag.
Extensively so, I expect.
Even with my level of discomfort, I am among the 1409, rather than the 319.
(link to survey results)

Thanks for trying to do something, but I think you may have directed your efforts to the wrong points.

I have never said i didnt experienced lag, now, you are pointing to something network related and not control input, unless someone from IMC come here and say it is.

What you said to me on an earlier post i throw it back at you, make one stating your issue on the gameplay and see how many have that problem, its simple as that.
I for one know that lag issues cant be a bug unless its some error on the client or server code that is causing it, if not, its something related to the network betwen my house to the server.

Now i will close this discussion with you because imho its completely irrelevant to what the OP posted.

@nando20xx @LaScoot

Okay okay time for a intervention.

What i think LaScoots talking about is responsive controls not lag. So a simplified example of this is think of a look sensitivity option on a fps (which adjusts a built in delay), you can increase the response of your controls regardless of lag. I think this is kinda the idea hes getting at.

Yes, which is under the client-side code indeed, well im not sure about other controllers but like i said before, on my xbox360 controller it felt natural playing the game, no problem with response, like many, my only complain on the controller part is the lack of customization, but other than that its really good for me.

I agree i had no problem with my xbox/razer controller.