Tree of Savior Forum

About the new silver penalty inside instanced dungeons

So they just want me to log in and do saalus and log off now? This change just makes me play less. Like i understand their intent here but they are going the wrong way on the solution.


No, they want you to run Saalus, do Challenge Modes, and hunt for silver on maps/HGs. If the change makes you play less, then you clearly don’t enjoy the content of the game and should stop playing.

Why bother even logging on to do saalus if you don’t enjoy playing?

Because a lot of us are hoping they will fix problems rather then making more? But IMC’s track record is spotty at best.

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OK. So while they are fixing problems, why not join Challenge Mode groups instead of 300 dungeon spam? You would definitely enjoy it more.

All this change is doing is re-directing your attention elsewhere if you are 330+

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I would love to do challenge modes, but i don’t like the idea of having to spend sometimes hours to get one to spawn (mainly because i don’t have enough free time for that). If i could just go do challenge mode when i wanted to like at a npc or pre-designated portal locations.

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DPK on portal spawn is around 100. It won’t take hours.

Still gotta find the mob. Its not like u kill 100 mobs and the portal spawns instantaneously. And with the luck buffs (portal,silver,xp ,etc) having the same visual appearance as many buffs and debuffs (another issue that needs to be addressed at some point, although minor) it is very easy to walk past them.

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then look for challenge modes on populated maps? Sausys CM portals rotate like every 30 mins…

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That’s why you do Challenge modes on Sausys 9 map like everyone else. Most of time you can even find a portal on Ch1 just bye entering the map or find groups farming for one.

It only takes that long if you’re trying to solo farm portals alone in a map with low spawn rate.

That is where i go, and most of the time i am the only person there. Occasionally there is a second person.

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wtf it takes 5 mins to open a portal solo

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yeah, organized groups can find them easily by killing mobs on all parts of the map.

I just do them alone.

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NA klapedia, and i usually play from 6-7pm mountain time which i feel should still fall in peak hours for NA.

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yeah that is weird, could just be recently cause the population was low.

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Did you actually try shouting a party before going to the map? Because that’s usually I go to do CMs when alone (I actually join these) and see people doing the same.

Then you just farm the portal with the party you got. It’s faster than finding a portal then shouting and actually more fair since everyone put the effort in :thinking:

Na i Farm the portal alone then do it alone. Which i guess maybe why it takes me so much time.

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Why I think it’s still viable to spam dungeons

Tradable Silver - talts, averaging around 15-20 talts for 18 cubes
I’ve always used talts in trading: PM the seller, avoid taxes (he gets more, I pay less, win-win)

Trash cards - averaging around 1-2 per 18 cubes. 100k-200k worth, good fodder for your good cards.

The rest - recipes, NPC.

Direct silver is still a sad lost since this doesn’t require a heavily geared character, and considering the fact that they prioritized this issue over other “automated” ways of gaining silver.


sadly some of my friends don’t have the weeknight time to do their daily stuff if they were to choose CM…

though as i am trying to convince them that the silver you get in CM is much more compared to instance dungeon… the amount doesnt appeal them when compared to ease of mechanics.

  • preparation time and availability
  • less lenient reconnection rules
  • f2p players being overflowed with sellable (not to mention heavy)goods
  • cannot progress or failed run if underpowered (due to disconnection) with a hint of time pressure

if you count all these little things, they make a huge disadvantage compared to instance dungeon’s less rewarding bounty

i do hope the planned change on merc requests will be party based with a decent hunt objective

*mfw jyabami liked these sort of gamble and risks =w=y