Tree of Savior Forum

About the new silver penalty inside instanced dungeons

Curious about this bit.
1 run at dg300 used to give you 220k. 3 runs would be 660k per character. Did Saalus really give that much of cash too?

I would run it until I have used up all multiply tokens from Valentine chocolate event.
After that I most likely won’t bother and just doing daily Saalus on all my characters before logging off TOS.

my salus run only get me as far as 100k ish :tired:

maybe if selling the shards? but a shard can only get you 120k ish (there’s also tax). 2 shards of 120k + 100k ish run. that’s less than 2 instance run if you ask me

Sell 3 shards (200-230k each), 3 shards plus 100k is 700k…

difference in economies… 120k shard is not even that tempting for buyers here :tired:

you also can’t get to keep the shards if you’re selling them :tired:

That’s relative on where you play then.
Shard costs between 130k-150k in Telsiai.

In my case I keep my Saalus shards and use money from dungeon 300 to buy more cheap shards from market.
Good thing I milked them while it last.

Soon I will just login to do daily Saalus on 4 characters and log off. Not even gonna bother buying more token until IMC adds contents with more meat in it.

Edit: ninja-ed by @skonryu =_=
Btw which server do you play? 120k per shard is not something we see often in Telsiai.
130k normally, once found seller who sells for 90k but only found once so far.

What server? Seems impossible.
You can still farm fields if it is like that. You can farm low hg for 4-5 shards hour plus drops.

telsiai. i tried to sell my shards cheaper than the 130k standard and no one bought it for 5 days . maybe people wants to boycott my lowered price so no one will follow :tired:

you probably didn’t read about the lowered shard drop rate in HG

The nerf is tomorrow. How can telsiai economy be like that if it has more bots than fedimian.

Oo, maybe I will see more sellers selling shards under 100k more often then.

Granted I have not been checking market as often as I used to. Or maybe I was just unlucky that when I check market all the 120k shards have all been bought up by other ppl.

More people selling shards = lower priced shards.
Less people doing saalus, offert higher than demand = higher priced shards.


i wonder what dun i can farm trash cards… couz i need just trash cards and talt… :smiley:

Yup, add the Varena merge into it and I reckon I will see shards being sold for 90k more often in Telsiai. Maybe I better hold off buying shards for now…

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That will increase the demand as well. It depends, if Varena sells shards more expensive than Telsiai, the opposite might happen. Can’t know >_<

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Silute prices are lower too. 150~170k each blessed shard.

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My theory is that it depends on buyer’s and seller’s urgency.

Speaking for myself, I’m taking my time in farming shards.
After my last shard shopping splurge, I’m slowly rebuilding my cash reserve.

I’m not in hurry to buy more from the market as I don’t have enough money to reach next Transcendence stage.

So unless I see someone desperate enough to sell shards at significantly low amount I will hold off buying them for now.

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Varena shards sell for 140-160k each and the number of shards don’t usually exceed 1000 pieces total at a time. And the shards only occupy about half to a whole page in market. I doubt it’ll go lower once the merge pushes through. What I’m expecting is that the people who usually buy shards in Varena will buy off the cheap ones in Telsiai and it’ll drive the price higher. Even now people have been listing some 180k shards and I see them being bought.


The cheap ones does not appear that often though.
Up until a month ago Telsiai’ shards are similar to Varena’s. 140k-150k are still the most common.

130k was less common for me but still pops up from time to time. Until skonryu’s post I thought that was the lowest reasonable price for me.

The 90k price that i mentioned was an oddity. Someone was probably need silver that badly and willing to sell low to get them quickly.

Ps: On the other end of the scale we also have some seller who sell 200k per shard. No idea if anyone actually buy them though. Maybe if the buyers are rich and desperate enough to T10 their weapon on the spot.

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I understand they want to encourage us to do cm more. But it is very hard to find CM parties. Perhaps IMC should have a system where it is easier to find parties. Maybe like a designated area for cm party search

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it’s not like i’m looking for a challenge everyday too ; w ;

the real challenge is looking forming a party in less than 10min when some other party already opened a portal ; w ;

i love this change lol
i already stop to make dungeon, so booring.