Tree of Savior Forum

About the drops of Anti-Dark Bracelet Recipe

Please @STAFF_Yuri tell us where we can find it!


it probably drops from cardboard cubes lol

When you discard practonium from your inventory you have a 1 in 500 chance to get the bracelet.


They probably put it in maps that everybody hate, like Wall district…

Were is it plz@!!! @STAFF_Ines. @STAFF_Yuri. @STAFF_Letitia

Try running missions that no one ever runs. Ive been finding materials i thought werent in game in those missions.

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I was hoping to get in the end of the forum and find the aswer… ;—;

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we never will know the answer i also been playing “merc missions” because someoen told they drop there but never got anything new that i dont know (well at least got some ionium to sell for 300k anyways) catacomb mission just tedious to do but nothing drop there so pretty sure they werent moved there.

Saw this few days ago:

so probably someone dropped the recipe but also could be someone who saved his recipe when he know dungeon 160 would be removed and craft it right now.

Sadly nobody will tell you where it drops now, neither GM would help (no even a little clue like dunno other GM do in other games?) so pretty much without help of our community (which we dont have) you never going to know where it drop.

your best bet its to wait for revhisan bracelet show in market and buy it for 10-11m but yet with that money you better get a sissel or archmage bracelet than revhisan.


once there aren’t much in the market it is more expencive and i wanted to do it so i could sell heh . And the materials aren’t hard to get.

I also asked a friend and she said that was trying to drop it too. She and the guys from her guild said that it would be logical to be in the dg170 but doing this one she still didn’t got one so far. Idk how many times she tryed but well.

I’ll start doing dg’s again (sinse i’n so bored :V) and just “”"“hope for the best”"""

Got this last week, I think it was from 170 or 140, just between those two iirc.

~NVM misread.

it’s from 140 dungeon, what we need is the bracelet which drops from 160 dungeon before but was removed

Honestly if this was Blizzard or any other company it would be mentioned in the patch notes.

For example

160 Dungeon Removed
Contents of the dungeon will be moved to X

This is one of those things that IMC does that only upsets players and causes them to leave the game.


Just keep bumping this until one of the GMs get tired of seeing this… waaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh


sorry but I love the staff of imc but this is 1 thing they cant answer and never answered before in the past

they cant state if an item drops from a certain monster for whatever reason idk but they cant

when everyone asked if the Decorative White Ribbon Boater dropped from Inforocktors, they couldn’t disclose any info except that it existed

so sorry :sob:


bump till the end of time!!!

bump i want to make a couple sets too… so bumping this

Has been too long and no one still knows where to find this. MAybe it’s time devs reveal it.

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even koreans dont know where it drops now, despite whatever @STAFF_Yuri says such item dont drop anymore, probably removed. since imc never plays their game but they believe it still drop somewhere

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