Tree of Savior Forum

About Thauma c3 and SPR

Hello everyone!

So, due to upcoming changes where buffs that can be kept indefinetly last 300 seconds, I’m currently building a Thauma c3, and was wondering about the interaction between SPR and Swell Brain. The bonus from that buff scales from SPR, and both Swell Arms scale equally from INT and SPR.

This made me wonder: is it mandatory to go full SPR for Thauma c3? Alternatively, is it worth it going for Thauma c3 if I’m not going full SPR? If I make a full INT character, would it be better to go only c2?

I’m eager to read your opinions on the matter!

Going full INT will only make your swell brain slightly weaker, and most of the damage buffing comes from the other buffs anyway, so you’ll be fine with a full int chara.

Here is Swell Brain lvl 5 with +50% enhance attribute
400 INT : 160 matk
400 SPR : 545 matk

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It’s not mandatory to go full SPR with Thaum 3, but it’s better to in my opinion.
Both full INT and SPR have around the same magic attack. INT may have more however, SPR can give more damage to your magic teammates through Swell Brain.

Going from my memory, my c2 full INT Thaum gave around 1,000 magic attack from both Swell Arms. I believe c3 would give around 1,700 magic attack with only the two Swell arms.

You can use the calculator on tos.neet to get better numbers.

I guess, it really depends on what the build is and what you want to accomplish.

Build is wiz c3 > link c2 > thauma c3. I’ve grown tired of meta builds and decided to make an arcanist character, that can farm lower level mats while looking cool to me. I just love magic missiles. While in automatch lvl 290 DG I assume I’ll be providing buffs mostly, and not much damage, but who knows?

At the moment Swell Brain still have 10s of downtime which is pretty annoying, when it will be adjusted to 5min next patch then it should be fine.

However, be noted that if you intend to use Chapparition Cards the *% will not apply on Swell’s Buff Matk, hence full INT is still better for offensive thauma while full SPR for supportive thauma.

There is another option full CON mainly for pvp/gvg, this build take a slot for buff and need high level of transpose (which mean no swell mobs or shrink mobs), and full CON need Solmiki sets + Emengard Shield to be good, so not recommend for casual players.

That’s not really true. You can easily use ther equipment like 315 Plate set,too.
You also only need the buff slot for Transpose when you cast the Swell Buffs, afterwards you can cancel it to get your CON back while still retaining the full Swell effects. Full CON is a viable option for PVE,too, because you can make use of your Block rate&HP potion recovery bonus once your gear is sufficient to compensate for the lack of INT.
Another postive point is that you can swap your equipment after Transpose to make use of e.g. the INT of a weapon to get more CON after transposing (this will effectively reduce your HP loss from transposing) while using the other weapons INT/SPR for the Swells afterwards.

Best is to ignore SPR and just get enough SPR from equipment like e.g. Skull Smasher/Windia Rod/Vienti Oksinis Armor or other HG gears with SPR to boost your additional magic attack gain from the Swell skills (unless you’re also Necromancer or Sorcerer). Best are weapons&armor that grant both stats .

Yea, the closest that add CON is 315 Purple which add (17+14+11+13=55CON), while Nyx set which add a lot of CON are only wear by swordies, still far from WarMageShoe/WarmageArmor/SuuritPant/KeyarcGlove which add both INT+SPR.

Solmiki Cloth add 84 CON alone and +25 all stats from 3 pieces set, while each bracelet +22CON, but hell progress to craft that in order to achieve same buff power as full INT with much affordable equipment.

Full CON PVE is viable, but it is not necessary when you can just survive with full INT. Compare with full SPR support, it lack the buff power; Compare with full INT offensive, you lost a bit buff power and need give up shrink/swell to up more transpose to sustain a combat cycle.

Actually, full SPR is the whale way to go, because you can Transponse all your CON into INT. Enchant Armor grants CON based on your SPR,so you can get a lot of bonus CON that way.
You’ll also gain a lot of CON the same way by equipping the right weapon the moment you transpose (e.g. Vienarazis Mace, granting you 20 INT and 111 CON) and exchanging it quickly afterwards for Skullsmasher to boost your INT and SPR again as the equipment bonus is snapshotted the moment you transpose.

If you’re really hardcore,you use one 315 CON set and one INT/SPR set to switch after Transpose and before Swell Limbs.for the maximum effect. Then you can switch back to the 315 set for more HP and better survivability.

full con is interesting, but also somewhat suicidal when you hit that transpose button.
SPR benefits from enchanter shops.
rune of giants is the most interesting application of full int transposed. you can’t use any skills, but giant stomp passes sacrament. and the hp bonus is a snapshot.

rather surprised nobody mentioned the True metabuild- link3 thaum3. why have just INT or SPR, when you can have both wtih lifeline?

if you really wanna be a special snowflake, why not focus on maxing swell/shrink instead of having some halfassed buffs? those skills get much better at lvl16…

Indeed full CON is interesting, but it lack of cheap or hybrid of CON/SPR gears and rarely peoples think about it.

We have no player that practice this yet, but I think it is working since some equipment like MaxPenta/Solmiki3Sets give all stats, while all purpler/orange give good INT so when you transpose you should still able from 100k HP > 30k HP, not really that suicidal. It is especially good in PvP/GvG since when you transpose CON>INT then use all buffs and cancel the transpose to become full 100k HP back with still remain 7k-8k Matk.
^ This is actual usage of full CON can be so potential and deadly in highest end of gears than full INT/SPR.

While Max Left/Right/Brain/Reversi you used 31 points, left 14 points = 190s for Transpose.
Shrink Mobs is good for PvE
Swell Mobs is good for farming
Transpose is good for full CON pvp/gvg

I’ve 3 thauma builds, full spr link3thaum3, full int pyro2thaum3warlock2, and full con cryo3thaum3rc
In term of maximizing the buff power, link3thaum3 is best.
In term of hybrid wizard, pyro2thaum3warlock2 ability to cc/tank/support/dps is best
In term of team dps output, cryo3thaum3rc giving me ridiculous fun

I did consider going Link 3 > Thauma 3, but then I’d lose Magic Missiles. Not going for Wiz 3 impacts a lot my ability to solo lower level HGs when I hit max level, which is somewhat the reason for me to have made this character.

I know the meta build for that is Wiz2>Link2>Thauma2>Feather2, but I didn’t want to go featherfoot, and hitting a group of enemies after hangman’s knot with magic missiles deals a lot of damage, so I think that’ll work out in the end.

I guess my question here afterall is how much solo potential do I lose by going full SPR, if I’ll be able to handle, say, lvl HG 230 as a full SPR thauma with my build. Hell, maybe I won’t even be able to handle it by going full INT.

The whole equip switch, going full CON and the likes does sound like the most efficient way, but I want a character to relax with, not manage a ton of commands and min/max things. I have my other meta build characters for that :slight_smile:

This depends solely on your gear progression. If you’re willing to put much time and silver into your Thauma, your level 320 HG farming(I hope you just switched the 2 and 3, or do you want to farm that 220 gears because of the SPR bonus for more income due to doubled drops?) will be more or less possible.

With the right stats & equip you can even reach as much as ~ 600 SPR + 92 INT+ over 70 CON (depending on your shield and armor enchantment; 60-90 additional CON is possible, so a total of 180+ CON is achieveable) with some investment. This translates to ~2,3k - 2,8k additional matk with Swell Left&Right Arm + ~800 additional matk from Swell Brain.

So with decent equip you’ll be able to have around 3k additional matk, which is ± as good as a Stage 10 transcended Skullsmasher.

erm, if you really want to solo 315 hg, wiz2 link3 necro FF2 does it all.
whats that? monsters cancel JP after one hit? no problem, with kundela slash and hangman’s knot, they die in one hit anyway! (what, you have JP dmg attribute on or something? turn that off already…)
don’t have instasurta gloves for HP drain? blood bath stab that that dirty pole. ouch.
necro multihits with blood curse healing.
soloing is also rather boring, and JP is generally bad in party.

or you could just do taht wiz2 link2 thaum2 ff2 build you see everywhere… but don’t expect to do enough dmg to kill swelled things in 315 hg

I did mean HG220. I want to farm the SPR gear for my Chap, and also they go for quite a bit of money in the market. If I can kill mobs quickly enough, I’m fine with just spending the night in the HG with some chill music.

Hi I’m new here and I was wondering what makes SPR beneficial to thauma? Or what makes the SPR stat special?

Take a look here:

If you hover over the skills and play with the levels on it you’ll see the math changes on the tooltip.

At 15: +(3 x ((0.6 x INT + 0.6 x SPR) ^ 0.9) +238)
So per int you are getting ((0.6xINT)^0.9)x3

With 400 INT that’s +416 Matk
SPR/INT scale identically here, so no difference what mix you do.

For Swell Brain though~
At 5: +(1.2 x (SPR ^ 0.9) + 100)

With 400 SPR that’s +263 MAtk

You won’t get this with INT, but INT will give you more than that in it’s own MAtk anyway.

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if u are thauma3-linker3

u can be either full spr or full int, depend on your buddy

(prefer spr if u r soloing coz full int is common for most wiz and cleric, only priest going full spr)

just use lifeline and enjoy full int full spr

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This screenshot reminds me that I see a ton of wizards using Pajoritas Dagger, but why is that? I thought that if you aren’t Kino there’s no point in using it, right? It adds psychokinesis property damage, and that doesn’t work with “pure” magic, like energy bolt and magic missiles, right?

Just wanted to confirm it because if it does boost those spells I’m gonna buy one straight away, haha!

All elementals damage increase all dmg sources, including magic atack.