Tree of Savior Forum

About Thauma c3 and SPR

Im considering a thau 3 sorc 2 full spr though I dont know how much impact it will have to my summons. Some say riding and summon damage dont increase from thauma buffs and some say they will. Need some clarifications. Thanks

because they don’t want to spend a Practonium for the better Lionhead Dagger :slight_smile:
It’s ± the same if you equip Karacha or Pajoritas Dagger. Only Lionhead Dagger is a huge improvement damagewise. Anyway, with the upcoming patches, Thaumaturge C3 becomes the best of all mage Classes by boosting the magic attack to such heights that it’s better than having a trans stage 10 unique weapon equipped.

That combined with 2,2 times the damage on shrunk enemies makes the Class pretty much OP in both attacking and supporting.

@penetrosity you forgot the 50% boost attributes for the Swell skills in your calculations xD

I just didn’t add it in, it should apply to the whole formula so it’s not hard for someone to do so if they care to.

I didn’t add it in precisely because there are the swell/shrink ones as well

I think this is bring forth an issue I have with understanding daggers in general. How exactly do they contribute to damage? I remember that Arde Dagger used to add another attack line with the fire property, but that’s no longer the case, right? Howe are daggers beneficial to mages nowadays? How do they influence the damage formula? Sorry for the dumb question, I’m just confused.

  1. Thaum3 always use Rod+Dagger, because the Swell Right Arm +1k atk/matk buff will only apply when you are using dagger. The benefits and matk is better than a complete 2H Staff.
  2. At the same time, it provide a strategy point for thaum to convert to defensive by swapping rod to shield, which will give +1k def/mdef.
  3. Elemental Attack act as additional damage apply on final damage but not new line, eg: (totaldamage*logscaledown%)+additionalattack

Oh, so that’s what I was missing! I thought that, for instance, Pajoritas Dagger would only boost psychokinesis property skills, but it means it just adds that damage. That’s great to know, thanks!

I used rank reset on my wiz and went with wiz2>linker2>thauma3>FF1 with pure SPR. I never run out of SP now and I don’t need to rely on bonfires and SP potions! Makes HG farming easier.

Is FF1 enough to farm HG320 effectively?

I am a Thauma3 and it’s worth it, not just for the Swell brain, but also for the lvl 15 Swell left arm. I went full Int as the bonus from SPR is minimal. You can still boost your swell brain by going full HG cloth armors and a weapon that has SPR. Can’t wait for the patch where swell brain lasts for 300 seconds.

Yes it’s more than enough, you won’t even need to go back to town (seriously). You got unlimited SP and HP as a full SPR featherfoot. I have to thank you for bringing up this thread and showing me the way to full SPR thauma3.

Make sure the poison damage attribute of JP is turned on.

Non swelled mobs
JP + Knot + Ngadhundi = kill

Swelled mobs
Surespell + JP + Knot + Swell body + Bloodsucking until they all die

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hi guys~

BD : w1 pyro1 link1 thaum3 war2

full spr, pve only,

can this build work ? LOL

build works but isnt very good.

linker 1 is just bad due to level 5 joint penalty.

you can run pyro 2 instead of linker 1 in your build.

Or if you really like linker and want to support team you can try pyro 1 link 3 thaum 3 and forgo warlock.

for any thaum farmer: which one give best result: heart of glory or skull smasher? blue or red gem?

Question: If I’m full CON, and I use transpose at full hp, my max hp will lower right?

What happens when the buff expires, and I’m at full HP?

Your current HP will stay the same number and your max HP with go up, same as it does when a full INT thau swaps to full CON.

Transpose was good in the past when you got extra int with every 5 points, meaning I could get 1000 con easily , And back when blood curse scaled to HP. Now it is only useful for animus snapshotting :frowning:

Outdated skill

Going full INT makes YOU slightly stronger (the loss of matk of Brain increase is surpassed by the matk gained form INT directly)

Going full SPR, even though your own matk will be a bit lower, it means however that any partymembers will have additional matk from Brain as well. Which could very easily surpass damage when the whole party is taken into consideration.

So it doesn’t really matter whether you go full INT, full SPR, or anything in-between unless you’re really eager on minmaxing. Both are completely fine options and the difference is not that noticable and situational.