Tree of Savior Forum

About Highlander C3

with the latest barbarian buffs barb does more dmg overall. and would i change my highlander c3 for high c2 barb1 ?

I don’t think so, since i would be losing 5 more lvls on the main damage that highlander has (crosscut + skyliner) plus armor break just to get more slash attacks and a slash debuff (that i get from fencers lunge), but as i said we have to see how well vertical slash performs since it recieved a huge buff in base dmg, so with str/dex it could be better

High C3 > Corsair > Doppel C2 here.

You can also choose Peltasta instead of Corsair.

Again, I had a Barbarian and have a Highlander now.
The difference is feasible: Highlander is a better class all around that deals more damage overall.

A situation where Barbarian would be stronger is if it stacked Max Frenzy and used Warcry in a densely populated area, but even still, stacking Frenzy is a pain and the time you lost doing that could be used spamming skills, resulting in an overall loss of DPS (that’s why Frenzy is not recommended if you’re not following an AA build) and Warcry is just not that much great, like, just compare it with what the competition has to offer and it becomes clear.
What really shines in Barbarians is Cleave and Pouncing.

Now, your answer was very interesting: You find it better to have Skull Swing + lv10 Skyliner than Cleave + lv5 Skyliner.
This question is bugging me a lot more than it should, and it’s the only thing that prevents my Class Advancement right now.

Why? Just an option or Corsair is no good? Do you regret something? I’m planning on picking Corsair for PvP (Hook, specially close ranged, is a beast) and, as I picked Peltasta previously, I had some taste about what the class offers, and apart from Swash Buckling, the class offers nothing of value, specially now with the changes in Guardian and the uselessness of Shields for Fencer 3.
For you, a Doppel, it would make even less sense, as Cross Guard provides the defensiveness that a Peltasta would.

Well it depends, if you are going to pvp/ it’s a pvp focused build i would take that circle of barb just for the stun (stun+hook and then burst) if you are going for pve go with 3 circles of highlander since armor break plus lvl 10 crosscut skyliner are good, but as i said it would be good to put some points into vertical slash now that it got buffed so i would quit some from crossguard to put them into Vslash

Nope. I regret nothing, I really love my choice :3

Only suggested Peltasta, because Corsair C1 is underrated.

Some updates guys.
I’ve decided to go Highlander3 instead of Highlander2>Barbarian1 for the following reason, and I think it would be nice to share this thought with everyone:

Cleave gives 50% more damage to Slash for 5 seconds.
Skull Swing ignores the afflicted target’s defense permanently.
Attaque Coquille ignores the afflicted target’s defense for X seconds, if your attack is Pierce.

Now, I’ve seen many Fencer builds and I always see Attaque Coquille lv4 in them, or lv1, but rarely above it, and that’s because of the Defence Ignore Uptime x Cooldown Timing, of 8 seconds.

Now, considering that you could spare 4 points in Fencer if you just didn’t pick Attaque Coquille at all, because you already have Skull Swing, that would be the best indeed, much so that Skull Swing is even a better skill overall.

I also did rough calculations, and a lv10 Skyliner with Skull Swing would do marginally the same damage as a lv5 with the Cleave buff, in a 500 STR build (the less STR in the build, the most insignificant Cleave’s buff become).

In PvP Skull Swing would also disable an enemy permanently, which is another great tool to use combined with Hook, and Fencer3’s Disarm.

Well, after all that, here’s the build I’ve done.
Thank you, and judge me!

so things i have to say, in that build you only have 2 strike atacks, with ataque coquille 3 and it has a good base dmg, i would put 1 point just in case.
Also, if you are going to pvp put one point into esquiver since the evasion buff lasts for 4 seconds and 1 point into flanconnade is a must since you can block pretty much everything (besides magic) if your timing is good.

Also every fencer should go for a venier as a main rapier and cata rapier as a secondary in case venier breaks, that’s why it’s important to have lvl1 skills, since they will turn into lvl 3 skills.

also keep in mind that if we get a really good skill in fencer c3 we might have to use a skill reset potion since points into sept etoiles are just as a filler till we get fencer c3

highlander was better than barbarian before barbarian was buffed. The only good thing about barbarian was pouncing but since cleaved has a slash debuff it became better than highlander.

dude u get highlander 3 and barbarian 1…for 2h sword…

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Preparation 5 is a waste.
With venier it becomes lv7, so 1 point is enough.
With our pvp scenario where 90% people will surely use plate set, skip striker damage type is a mistake.

This is not even close to the truth.

Cartar stroke is 4 hits of 150% damage, 600% total.
Crosscut is 1000% total over it’s duration.
Skyliner w/ bleed is 2 hits of 200% damage, 400% total.
Moulinet is 5 hits of 100% damage, 500% total.
4,900% total scaling on kit for just highlander C2

Barbarian C3 has 4,200% total scaling on kit, that’s counting pouncing even though it has a horrendous cooldown.
In reality, skyliner even without bleed is still more DPS than pouncing because of it’s cooldown.

agreed with that, barbs still suuck imo i deleted my barb long ago and never regretted this
i still think hoplite’s total damage late is stronger, but that’s just because finnestra lvl 15 with full str, 2h spear and crit rate gems is just insane.
I played both highlander c3 and hoplite c3 btw.

nah, the real problem of spear x sword is not even finestra. no one can deny that finestra alone is one of the best buff in swordsman tree but the main problem come from status of spear x sword and of course the attribute, dragon alone have a extra 10% damage attribute on bosses and 20% on large mobs, this create a huge difference later on.
finestra is just the cherry on top of it all, since swords type swordsman do not even have a buff that comes close to it.
if DOV had swords only, it could compare but even DOV can be use together with spear, and mostly hop-dragoon builds also gets doppel 1 so it makes they even stronger.

This applies to slash and strike attacks as well, and doesn’t favor hoplite since hoplite has less damage on it’s kit.

i know but i talking in a broad aspect of classes that uses swords and classes that uses spear.
and of course it is favor hoplite as well, i’m talking here about the big picture of spears x sword mainly doppel x dragoon you can even see it in my post.
if you see finestra alone and by that hoplite of course it does not make spear builds superior than swords, it is everything put together that makes spear better let’s not enter in the difference of one hand sword x one hand spear.
like i wrote, stats from spear- buffs and so on that make it better.
just like razm said in the post bellow , if you can not see it , i’m here not asking for you believe me alone so please go on a play the game both builds multiples time like many other already did and have come to the same conclusion spear builds right now is better, with doppel3 they may come to a stand still but until numbers come out no one can know.
i’m myself have a dragon with cata main, a dragon with hopmain, a fencer with barbmain , i also know about of all other classes as well but with swordsman i can at least say that i’m a expert.

but i do not came here to say that swords is bad is just that someone wrote about finestra and so on so i got up with it and made a reply but i myself like swords and higlander more but they are receiving buffs for a reason after all, most the later patches with buffs have come to swordsman with swords, there is no buff-nerf for spear and because of that i recommend for player up one since doppel 3 is around the corner and i doubt that the buffs are over, right now even with the current buff highlander is still ahead of barb, so i believe they will buff barb a little more before rank 8 is out.

You need to play spear users to understand, no offense i don’t think you ever played a hoplite c3 combined with doppel and dragoon.
Now with rank 8 coming out, i think both highlander c3 doppel and hoplite dragoon is strong.

I love the Highlander class, but I keep seeing “Crosscut 1000% scaling” being thrown around. While this is somewhat true, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Crosscut’s Attribute - Enhance does not increase the bleed damage.

  • Your “xxx%” scaling numbers don’t take into account of a skill’s base damage.

Yes, Crosscut might have 1000% attack scaling over its bleed duration, but if we include attributes, then skills like Skyliner go upto 800%, Moulinet 1000%, Helm Chopper 800%, etc., while Crosscut does not become “2000%”.

Also, Barb skills have really high base skill damage. E.g. Helm Chopper has 1445 base damage per hit. This number, in most cases, will be greater than your physical attack, and will greatly affect the damage output. Where as Crosscut’s bleed ticks have 0 base damage.

Also let’s not forget that Frenzy just got boosted recently, and now it will scale in the long run. Yes it will take a few seconds to stack, but considering the damage boost it will give to your Pouncing, Cyclone, Zucken and Redel, it’s well worth it (even with the attribute on).

You have 400 STR frenzy goes from 400 total damage to 600. Big whoop.

Crosscut with maxed enhance is 1200%. This is still the same as a max enhance cartar stroke or dragontooth.

Helm chopper at maxed enhance is 400%. Seism at maxed enhance is 500%.

Level 10 skyliner with maxed enhance on bleed is 800% + 3,600
Level 10 seism with maxed enhance is 500% + 8,760

Assuming skyliner and seism were both the same cooldown and neither had overheat, skyliner would become better at the point where your ATK became 1,720

Because skyliner has 3 overheat and seism has 2, skyliner becomes stronger at the point where your ATK becomes 480

Do you have 480 attack? Yes? Wow, a whole lot of good that base damage did, huh?
It’s faster to use 3 skyliners than 2 seisms and skyliner has a lower cooldown to boot which favors skyliner even further.

A rank 7 swordsman needs only 96 points invested in STR for skyliner to outscale seism with no weapon equipped lol

Ummm, Helm Chopper hits twice, with 2 overheat. That is 4 hits per rotation.
400% without enhance, 800% with enhance…

Also, Seism has a bonus +70% modifier. Which means 170% per skill use. With 2 overheat, that is 340% without enhance. With enhance, its 680%.