Some game modes are not really fair for the class, totally discouraging the creation of it and making it rare, since by the logical form of the class, it is necessary to play in a group to make “SOLO” content as it has no damage and this is normal, but from the moment that in addition to the standard difficulties of the class, the game still gives you disadvantages, there is something wrong.
The game is currently entirely geared towards DPS and I know that there are ways to measure the Heal done during the game/group/game mode.
In CM it is an example: Why do we, Healers, receive less money because of the damage caused, but that we are the ones who make it easy for everyone and really help to do it? I know we help, and we’re not all the difference, but it doesn’t make sense to base all the reward on something we don’t have: DAMAGE.
Speaking to some people on Discord, I was told me that system as made to avoid Bots with partys full of Healer, but what is the point from the moment that we have no damage and the game content has a time limit to be made? Never would a group made up of Healers be able to make a CM based on our damage and the game mode time.
Please make the game mode fair, since at this point in the game and in that specific game mode, a damage rank is not necessary as everyone is strong for such content.
Please consider not taking the reward based on the damage and make it fair, having a healing rank made or “contribution” rank. Or take it out for good and give everyone the same reward.