Tree of Savior Forum

About EXP - Quests vs Grinding - Feedback and Ideas

Don’t include me on this “everyone” i already struggle with the fact that getting gear is already luck based (you need luck to drop valuable things to either sell or use) if the leveing is also random this is more than beyond tolerable.

What they need is to balance better the EXP given by mobs, they simply sucks. Also they could actually reward people who fights mobs of higher level. Currently there is no incentive to go beyond your level (and you can’t go back, because if your level is higher thant the mob you get less exp, the same is not true if you fight higher level mobs).

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There’s some good points here. Blue mobs need to be a lot more common than they are now. In ICBT1 you’d probably see one or two every day or two, but in ICBT2 many players haven’t seen any at all. Blue mobs really break up the monotony and introduce some excitement, and they should be common enough that you’re likely to see one during a grinding session.

The scaling between different methods of leveling does need to be watched carefully. Adding dense spots to underused maps would help variety, and the easiest way to do that is adding areas where mobs spawn more rapidly when they’re killed faster and pile up until you’re overwhelmed. If the concern is those areas giving too much exp, have a circuit breaker that spawns a strong boss or something.

I agree with pretty much everything here, thank you for the well organized post. People deserve the choice between grinding mobs and questing. I’ve seen 1 white mob since the start of the CBT2. Even after doing all of the quests, I had to grind for a fair bit to get over the level 85 hump, and just finding a place to hunt was a struggle. Eventually I found threads talking about the Constructor’s Chapel. Mobs are few and far between. The game doesn’t explain anything about getting less exp from level 5+? monsters even if I can 2 shot some 10+ over my level, and the questlines force you into that position. The curve is terribly awkward when I see people AFK farming crystal mines into the high levels. Nowhere is there an exp counter to show easy to compare numbers or exp over time. Currently, the game is not intuitive or explain anything well about the mechanics of grinding, and it even disincentivizes it. Especially when it comes to creating alts down the line, you may want to just grind with friends rather than go through literal thousands of quests over again.

Feels like 1/2 is grind 1/2 is exp quests. Ya… the afker’s just like ragnarok bots. I think they need to figure something out, so bots don’t farm like a million a dozen.