Tree of Savior Forum

A3QS3 -> Rank 7&8 for autoattacker?

IMO. Unlike Fletcher. No meta Fix for musketeer. All It’s upon you. What you wanna play as base?

High speed attack - Quarrel Shooter?
Blast Dmg Boost - Ranger?
Spam pot - Scout?
AOE control - Sapper?
One on One - Wugushi?
No more PVE - Hunter?
Multishot all way - Archer C3+x+Falcon?
All round(I need more skill slot!!) - Ranger+Archer2+Scout+Rouge+Falcon?

Just choose whatever you like. And show your idea. people will answer you after that.

i got one Archer2>QS3>scout1 lv196 plan to be Musk2 next

this build still viable?

Yap no problem. Just like A3>QS3 build you will lack of AOE. but good at pvp+travel.

So what’s about A2>Ranger1>Scout1>Fletcher2>Musk2

It’s ok but…

You will need a lot of money to upgrade Fletcher,Scout,Musket attribute.

And Fletcher2 weaker than Fletcher3 a lot are you ok with that? (Magic arrow 15 Hit VS 25Hit). Just like the one who play Fletcher3 You will lost same amount of money to upgrade magic arrow attribute.

And Steady Aim work only 10 sec. You can’t spam all of fletcher+Musket skill with in 10 sec. (Musket skill pretty slow. only aiming shot is fast if it auto lock) I not talk about butt stroke because that skill cd pretty low.

If you want to be good at pvp and pve the most balanced build will be Archer1 QS3 Scout1 Falcon1 Musket2.

Viable for farming, bossing, aoe dps, tbl, and gbl.

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So i’ve made my decision.
I’ll go for A2>Qs3>Sc1>Musk2

Sissel or Gladiator Band
my stats is 100 Dex

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then i m wrong or not ?

running shooting + special cannon kneeling ( you can see 2 plages damage, 1 from running shoot and special cannon kneeling)


High Dex = Gladiator Band / High Str = Sissel

Sissel is more future proof

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what’s about A2>ranger1>Sc1>ro1>fal1>Musk ?

If Bazooka and Running shot works like shown in addprogamer’s video and the including the buffs they gave to it i might consider my own Q3 to go Q3 A2 something(probably scout or falcon) C2.

nope, not that Musketeer build

10 covering fire, savage damage

1 headshot, it’s usually used as a “disable skill” because if it hits, the target spins around a bit, enough to land Snipe.

10 Snipe, YESSSS. Get a linker and watch the damage flies!!

1 Butt Stroke for attribute

1 Penetration Shot: It has long casting animation & CD, albeit new attribute will fix the animation. But you won’t be using it that often, it’s a “push away” skill, only used to buy time for you to get out of Kneeling. Dmg is so-so since it’s hard to land all hit, and even if it does, others can do better.

Bayonet thrust: Up to you, do you have any skill that benefit from Bleeding status? Vendetta is an example. Butt Stroke: Conversion Attack attribute only double BS’s dmg, which is not a lot, and I heard rank 8 attribute cost 1.6mil silver.

As for Volley Fire and Birdfall, I don’t know how it will scale. Depends on previous build most likely. For instance I’m making a Hunter-Musketeer so I’ll be getting Volley Fire since Birdfall can render Snatching unusable and vice-versa.

QS3 is totally fine, and I’d even go further and say it might be the best of the “lower rank” classes for archers. I’m a QS3, loving it so far, and outdpsing everyone at my level (161).

You might be a frustrated ranger or something, oddie :).

My build is quite similar to yours, with the exception that I plan on going Falconeer instead of Archer2, it’s still a big decision to make, and I have to research more on the advantages of each.

So far I’m at rank 5, level 161, last rank was Scout, and I LOVE it, Scout is such a great class with a lot of utilities, just like QS3. You won’t lack utilities for sure.

Anyone knows where the lv270 +3 running shot Xbow drops? Forgot it’s name…

Marvel? Grand Cross - no info yet on where to get it.

taken from this thread = PSA: Quarrel Shooters & Running Shot gem holders

He/she also spoke about the possible new “Cafrisun-like” set (adds a damage line).

QS3 gets outscaled by most classes, this is what I meant. The reason I dislike quarrel shooters is not of any kind of personal feeling, it is just bad end-game and will become deprecated when rank 8 arrives.

I’m not a ranger, btw, I’ve always been a Schwarzer Reiter.

I have some news to you: You can be a ranger AND SR, WOW, right?

Outscaled? don’t be a moron, QS3 isn’t just about Running shot, and even if it was, the skill gets as bad as any other rank 2/3/4 skill would get late game when higher rank classes get release. But I have more news to you: There ain’t no QS3, but QS3 WITH Musk, SR, Cannoneer, ETC. Which means you won’t get outscaled even if you try hard.

Now leave. :slight_smile:

Why are you so angry? LOL
I know QS3 isn’t all about Running Shot, but it’s the main reason people make it all the way to the third circle. Excluding RS there are a lot better classes for utility than spending 3 ranks for some plank shields and a few caltrops. Also, you should update yourself about QS3 SR and how the crappy weapon swap cancels most Musketeer/Cannoneer skills.

It’s not about “plank shields and few caltrops” too.

Also, I outdps every other choise for rank 2,3 and 4

Anyway, I’m not discussing anything with a moron like you, just get lost mate.

See you, take care.