Tree of Savior Forum

A3QS3 -> Rank 7&8 for autoattacker?

Hi peeps, I’ve got an A3 QS3 job 14 archer with str:dex 1:1, currently still deciding whether to go Musketeer or Cannoneer. My main attack so far is of course the famous running + kneeling shot lv 10, while using multishot lv15 in between RS cooldowns. I am so in love with fast normal attacks and the yellow crits. Look at all those beautiful numbers pop! Wooooot!!!

Based on the rank 8 skills that have just been published, both are pretty much good for me since with Musk2, I can use penetration shot while kneeling, and use snipe in between RS cooldowns. As for Cano2, Bazooka allows me to use my cannon to blast a group of enemies while kneeling (but will my cannon speed be increased by running shot? If not then it seems this won’t be that good).

I have played less on this A3QS3 for about a month now due to the dilemma in choosing M or C and waiting for the Mergen spread shot info, while making another QS3 heading to SR3 for sure in the meantime. All mergen skills require 2H bow and have overheat instead of self buff, which means it won’t be good for me right? (noooo… my dream of having running + kneeling + spread shot went down the drain T__T). Hackapell is also a no no since I’ve invested too much on the Kneeling Shot class. Dang…

My considerations so far:

A. Pros M:

  • Superb killer in PVP. Most average HP players will die with snipe lv 10 + the bounce 1x attribute
  • Better at killing world boss and higher chance to obtain box
  • Able to use Penetration Shot while kneeling, This is such a BIG plus as my planned main attack so far has been about RS + kneeling. Then I can squeeze in the skill in between attacks (though the skill range seems quite short)
  • Slightly less usage of SP than the counterpart
  • Cool costume. But I care more about power than looks.

Cons M:

  • I won’t have any awesome AoE skill unless I increase my AoE ratio and make use of Multishot -> still not considered very awesome as the area is not that big.
  • Again, lack of awesome AoE will make me be less useful in ET and when mobbing in parties, unless a Linker is present.
  • Concentrated fire looks just like Multishot. I heard people saying CF5 < MS15? So it’s better to invest elsewhere huh

B. Pros C:

  • AOE AOE AOE AOEEEEE. Finally! It’s been like trying to gather water from a well using a friggin’ cup instead of using a big bucket. IMO this alone is a good enough reason to go C.
  • I can use cannon while kneeling! Hold on, nobody said I can use Kneeling Shot and press C, maybe I need to activate Bazooka to do it, which means I won’t be able to switch Z and C as I please while on kneeling shot mode. Which further means, I won’t get the critrate+ and damage+ from kneeling shot attribute, as well as increase in power from high Dex. Oh god, please don’t… +_+ -> Can anyone find out about this?
  • Better in GVG due to strong AoE hitting multiple players (in theory perhaps?), but the range of the skills is quite lacking or so I heard

Cons C:

  • Cannon Shot / Shootdown have low 5 secs CD, which is very good for most but not so good for me as I’m mostly in kneeling mode, especially during boss fights. Bad synergy with A3QS3 unless I’m planning on mobbing.
  • Bad at world boss fights, since other rank 6, 7, and 8 would totally overpower C’s damage on a single target.
  • Highly dependent on SP pots, apart from Bazooka. So costly…
  • Hitting many enemies in a mob will draw the aggro towards you. Melee monsters are no trouble (Caltrops I choose you!), whereas ranged physical attacks are annoying but can be avoided with Pavise. Magic attacks on the other hand… RIP.
  • Err is it just me or is the costume so fugly. Still, focusing on power instead of looks.

Oh, and I heard auto-switching equips when using their skills is still a pain in the butt eh? More cons to both then.

Out of all the above considerations, it’s honestly 50C:50M for me right now, I just can’t decide. I wish there were high ranked archer classes specifically for poor ol’ AA lovers like us. Rid us of all this dilemmaaaaa!!

Let me know what you think, suggest, or if I missed any significant pros v cons. Should I go Musk? Cano? Or is there still hope for Merg / Hack? O_o Every tiny bit of additional information might have huge impact on my decision making process and others stuck in a similar situation. Thanks!

I’m an Ar2>QS3>Falc>Cannon right now, and I can answer some questions on cannoneer. Pressing C does not fire your cannon. Your cannon is only used in skills, it doesn’t work like a gun. Kneeling shot only lets you use bows/xbows/muskets, and pistols and daggers don’t work. You’re not as dependent on Pots as you would think.

Bazooka hasn’t reached iTos yet, so I can’t say anything about it. Since Hack’s sticking arrows seem to be dependent on autoattacks, perhaps it’s what you’re lookin’ for.


That’s the problem.

Cannon is the best path to go, you can use xbow and cannon weapon same time !

2# The skill “Cannon Blast” best for dps physical archer, with the cannon Blast armor break !!!( 20 sec cd for 10 sec amor break)

3# atm you can use RS3 + kneeling from QS3 + A3, but cannon C2 get too a special kneeling, you will combine it with run shooting.

4# cannon weapon can add good stats and have high base damage.

5# For pvp cannon will be the best of all because it have a unique skill that cancel the flying !!
Imagine pvp 5 vs 5, 1 linker C2 with ( Spiritual Chain) + Featherfoot the skill will make all the team fly combine with Spiritual Chain !! Cannon only will counter that op combine team.

Musketeer like a new classe is not combine very well with QS3 or A3

You’re gonna have to post a source on bazooka and running shot working together. As far as I know, running shot only buffs your main hand while your cannon is an offhand.

running shot enchant the weapon you use, the special kneeling(from cannon) will you spawm auto attack with cannon, RS will work on.

Unless you have video proof or evidence from korean players you shouldn’t be posting this information like its a fact. Like I said before your cannon is considered an “off-hand”. Even if bazooka allows you to auto-attack with your cannon, its still equipped in the off-hand slot therefore running shot shouldn’t affect it.

Ruuning shooting work with all weapon, and not information about primary or secondary weapon.

And you want a proof, when you use Spiritual Chain Running shot work with all juste use auto attack, staff, bow, sword etc every auto attack, ruuning shoot work.

Only skill need special weapon for cast no buff, if you basic attack with cannon( you can in c2 cannon) that work with all basic attack secondary or primary.

Yes running shot works with those weapons (staff, bows, swords) because they are main weapons… that’s what I’ve been trying to say. Cannons, daggers, pistols, etc are not “main weapons”, they are “offhand weapons” which is why running shot doesn’t work on them. I wonder how many times I have to reiterate this lol, should I draw you a picture?

I will confirm this. Running shot does NOT work on C attacks (reiter pistol for example, and dagger).

Oki, but we need more info about the cannon kneeling, but we not sure if we will use C key with that mode and that can changed too.

The problem with going Hack is that I’ve gone A3 as my 6th rank, to exclusively invest on kneeling shot, multishot, and swift step. Kneeling shot would be wasted…

Or if we look at the positive side, maybe multishot lv15 can work well with hack since it delivers so many arrows in a very short amount of time. What would you suggest the R7 be for the hack path?

Yes I have also tested RS with my mana2, it doesn’t add any aspd.

From the description it says “basic attack”, offhand attack is not considered one then.

But as addprogamer said, not enough info until someone actually tests it

Can’t find a lot of QS cannon2 vids through Koreans. Everybody prefers musket damage.
If you’d like full focus on single target + attack speed, Musket1/2.

Btw, I still can’t get over Merg. So I’ve been thinking a lot and reviewing the skills.

It seems that all mergen’s skills are:

  1. AoE (duh)
  2. Requiring 2H Bow
  3. 2-3 overheat
    4. With 30s+ cooldown
  4. Able to be used while mounted
  5. Gonna choke your SP out (at least 90+ SP per skill usage at lv 5)

What I want to focus on is the 30s+ cooldown. RS with GC has 27s uptime and 8 secs cooldown. I have 8 secs to spam those overheat skills when needed, and while they’re on cooldown I can go back to kneeling running shot.

Also, with a good 2H bow in my artillery, I will have the option to switch when I encounter flying enemies.

What do you think guys? IF and IF I insist on going Merg, what do you think the R7 should be? My thoughts would be on:

  1. Scout (utility, a DoT skill which gets stronger while I’m kneeling, and adds value to PVP -> I am very BAD atm in PVP)
  2. Errr no idea, ok I’ve only thought about scout because:
  • I heard SR with only C1 is not so good (never played SR so you tell me);
  • I’ve been satisfied with my critrate so not Rogue;
  • definitely not cano/musk since I would need to switch between 3 weapons (xbow, 2H bow, cannon/musket);
  • Fletcher C1 is useless without magic arrow and I don’t need 0s cd + more SP draining weak C1 skills
  • Wugu, hunter, sapper -> not good at C1
  • Falconer -> AoE ratio decrease works with Multishot, but Merg skills seem to be targeting a fixed number of enemies, so more AoE ratio seems like a waste eh?

Wooooooot what is with all the dilemmaaaaaaa T___T

QS has everything I need (except AoE lol):

  1. Running shot -> The ability to slay enemies while moving and attacking at great speed
  2. Caltrops -> Protects from incoming land aggro
  3. Pavise -> Deflects projectile/missile attacks and inflicts bleed
  4. Stone shot -> Stuns for 4-10 seconds
  5. Rapid fire -> Decreases enemies’ crit resistance to 0
  6. Has attribute to equip shield, no other archer rank can

Comparing with what, Ranger?

  1. Barrage -> Overpowered by almost any AoE skill on higher ranks due to bad flat damage scaling, including Running Shot (in my opinion)
  2. Steady aim -> 10s powerup, the only skill useful on late game
  3. Spiral arrow -> DoT with so so damage
  4. The rest aren’t worth mentioning

Wugu? Can’t crit -> Already a reason for me to not like it.

I wouldn’t trade QS3 with anything else

Few days ago people claiming no one playing A3Q3 Musket.

Be the one <3.

Covering Fire is savage, but it has long CD. But why should you need AoE when you are actually destroying dungeons with Musket (you’ll need to swtich wepons to maximise your power) ?

A2 QS3 here.
I was planning to go Musketeer C2 at first, but I now actually made a build for Mergen C1 instead. The reasons for that are:

  1. 2h bow. It makes more sense to me to pick a 2h bow over musket to deal with flying types, particularly with Running Shot. (and Mergen skills, Multi Shot)
  2. It leaves another rank open for a different class. While for Musketeer you’d be using 2 ranks for its full offensive potential, for Mergen you only have to use 1, so the open rank could be used for a class with more utility. (think falconer/rogue/scout) This would leave you with less offensive skills in your rotation but I think I’d be ok with that because there are only so many keys I can comfortably and quickly access.
  3. AoE. QS3 lacks AoE. While Musketeer brings some amazing single target options to the table and some with AoE potential when used with circling, this is kinda a choice I had to pick between but I decided to go with Mergen if it turns out to be good enough.
  4. Apparently one of the class attributes you can learn increases your basic attack range with bows by up to 15, allowing for safer positioning while using Running Shot.

I’ve mentioned Running Shot twice now, but it’s just that great. (can’t say yet for high lvl content, but it sure outperforms all characters I’ve made so far) High and consistent dps, mp efficient, mobile; I consistently get #1 dps against bosses vs other Archers even though I’m not using Arde Dagger and Cafrisun set. (Tip: mouse mode & low ping) Lvling has never been easier.

I feel that RS began to lose its shine at lv 200+, you’ll find that other skill-spamming archers and wiz will deal more damage to many monsters at once, and the only way to make it somewhat good again is to upgrade your weapon to a better one or increase your aspd. That’s the reason I chose A3 to get lv 10 kneeling shot.

It’s still not enough, many monsters now have 40k+ HP while your shots only deal 7k on average per hit. Just 3 flying mobs with 40k HP coming at you and you already feel how slow you are at killing them (or maybe other classes feel it too lol). Maybe it’s because we’re so used to seeing mobs getting pawned with only 1-2 RS hits at lower levels. Or maybe it’s because RS is only a Rank 2 C3 ultimate skill, which can’t keep up at higher levels. Sigh…

Is covering fire lv 5 stronger than multishot lv 15?