Tree of Savior Forum

A3 Vs Ro1 / Faint + Barrage Combo vs Ms Lv 15

Hi all this information is decisive for my build if pick rank in rogue or not.

  1. I’m not sure if faint + barrage hit 9 or 10 times.

I will consider 10 so don’t mind.

I’m thinking to skip Rogue in my build because i use it only for capture and faint. Capture is 3 min cd so is easy forget about it. While the faint + barrage “seems to be more consistent”

But i think in the end is not. i would like to change my rank in rogue with A3.

Multi Shoot lvl 15 is 14 sec cd while barrage is 18. Ms lvl 15 hit 32 times before start CD and Barrage (with faint 30).

Now i think dmg provide by faint + barrage combo or ms lv 15 is almost the same. Archer 3 will give me also twin arrows and i like that skill. Also ms lv 15 is better with circling sinergy and have potential infinite number of enemy hitted. While in AoE scene Faint + barrage is limited by number of target of faint.

Multi shoot + circling (0 ADR) can also hit 100 monster if they are all in the same point for 32 hits, while barrage+faint will hit only 7 target for 9/10 shoot and the rest only 5. while from single target dps number of hit is better MS and for CD too.

So in the end i can safe go for ms lv 15 instead faint + barrage combo or i’m wrong something?

Do you agree?

forgot to say that having already lvl 10 MS archer 3 bring +10 hit + Twin arrow and Rogue bring 15 more hit so 5 more than MS. but is restricted to number of target and work in single target only or 7 - target.

so i think is reasonable A3 instead RO1. Also twin arrow provide additional 5 shoot x2 dmg each so archer 3 still give a lot more dps single and aoe than faint + barrage combo.


I’ve got an archer 3 and rarely I am able to charge ms to lv 15.

I’m not familiar with feint + barrage personally, but isn’t barrage instantaneous in comparison to multishot?

multishot sure is okay, but I’m not certain it’s better than feint+barrage. Just would like to remind you that multishot must be charged, and is easily cancelled.

i have both both barrage and ms is just that on math can provide same amount of hit. i think barrage can del 30 hit in 3 sec with faint or 2.5 while MS take about 6 sec for cast both full (1.5 cast 1.5 execution) (for a person who is used to cancel and replace at last even less) (for sure work like MA on stationary fight and barrage is better on movimented one)

Faint for single target is faster, but fall off in AoE when you’re restriced to faint max 7 target for rogue c1.

i’ve also play a3 and if you got right timing and familiarity with ms lv 15 don’t have too much trouble with a good positioning to get skill interrupted.

Still have barrage too and other good filler for single target so don’t worry me to much. in AoE MS 15 is more worth also with a falcon in build. and twin good filler that is always something that go beyond the calculation of dps between ms and barrage.

Eh as of late circling + ms has become a literal gamble, now a days mobs resist way too much to be even reliable.

the damage is almost the same.
my feint barrage hit for 12000x30 hit
my multishotlv10 hit for 12000x20hit
but it is much much easier to execute feint+barrage because you can move around, while charging MS you cant move around evading attack. MS also interuptable, for example you charge to 10 and release, but when it hit 5 you accidentaly got hit, your MS will be stopped.
If you play in the not so populated server and you dont have guild, queuing mission will be your nightmare, thats why some archer has developed soloing mission capability. And because it is solo, no one will help you distract boss while you charging MS to 15
I prefer feint+barrage rather than MS15+twin arrow


I have tried both multi shot15 and feint+barrage (reclass)
I think depend on your other class skill rotation and support skill, but I prefer fient+barrage than ms15 because feint+barrage require less time to finish all 3overheat while ms15 require more time and more likly to being interrupted.

when my archer was ar3 most time my ms15 can’t fully charge, usually 12-13 then need to release before being hit by enemy.
But multishot15 is still useful if your build have at least falcon1 and lack aoe
circling +ms is still good aoe skill that viable even late game.

Thanks guys glad to hear.

I know faint + barrage is quit comfortable but i will handle even without.

I’ve take my decision of take A3 instead R1.

Is not only single target potential, al say before with a3 get also twin arrow and is a dps boost that can’t be compared in the fight MS vs Faint + barrage.

But still exist and provide nice filler, also i’ve falconer c1 so ms 15 in team play will be usefull.

Thx again really for share your expirience

i have both tried an A3, and feint+barrage so heres my take,

I know i’ve been suggesting to you for a while now and here I go again

what you get w/ A3 is twin shot and a stronger MS upto lv15, while having twin shot as single target filler is very good, charging up MS to lv15 is quite the ordeal and also it takes some time to do it and you can be interrupted and you are glued to your position. Feint+barrage is way easier to execute. just feint the targets, you dont even have to instantaneously cast barrage since the debuff will last for a while, when you decide to hit barrage, the only thing you need to consider is to be at close proximity with your target so barrage arrows will all pass to the same target.

with MS, you have to make sure the target wont move so youre arrows can hit. and its a waste of time and dps if your target did change location after you release MS

in the end though, it would still boil down to your playstyle and skill rotation. while feint+barrage is a good combo, it doesnt fit to most build since you will have to be in melee range to do feint+barrage making MS lv15 the safer option


if you plan to take rogue c1 to do feint+barrage combo, dont take vendatta, and get max capture instead

I don’t agree with you.

Please care about the action time too.

With MS15, you have 14 sec CD + charging time + action time. Let’s assume you need 3 secs for charging and 3 more secs for 1 use so you need a total of 26 secs per 32 hits

While feint+barrage you have 25 sec cd, you can assume it has 25 CD per combo since barrage has no charging time and action time is so low that you can use all 3 overheat in time. So it’s 30 hits in 25 sec

I have ar2ran1sc1ro1fal3(it’s not my main)
If you compare ar3 to sc1 you should care about hit/sec(low level classes damage is come from item so just calculate hit/sec(i don’t calculate mine since it’s not necessary)

the complete question is: steadyaim+feint+barrage vs multishot15+twin arrow
Assuming i crit at 10k
with steady aim+feint+barrage it become 10k30hit+10%=330k
with multishot15 it is 10k
30hit +5xtwinarrowlv5

For this is choose MS 15 + Twin is simply better on my play style and i know on paper with good skill manage can deal more or less same amount of dmg.

3 Sec for charge is for lvl 15 without speed charge attribute. With attribute is 1.5 Sec cast time for 1.5 Sec Execution time.

Different time for use skill, same resoult, considering also the CD even if barrage is faster and MS slower in the end we’re bound to the CD’s.

This is a nice point.

My key ranks are A2 R3 Falc 1 Mergen. Leaving Place for 1 filler only.

Case A: A3 R3 Falc Mergen

Option B is A2 R3 Ro Falc Mergen

So in the end is:

Faint + barrage combo + Capture (Additional 15 Hit on Barrage And Arrow Sprinkle Capture)

Vs Twin Arrow and + 5 Hit to MS.

Or total different build:

A3 R1 Sc1 Ro Falc Mergen

Personally i prefer Ranger for more single target dmg? and the +20% dmg on burst.

I realized for write from telephone i writed wrong things in the post before. I’ve edited with more clear explanation

if you really like this build, you only really have space for utility, either choose scout or rogue from my perspective.

i hope i am not confusing you more, just trying to help :slight_smile:

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Rogue is the only sensed because provide a real boost in terms of dmg while scout is only good for cloaking(travel and pvp) and pass easy some ET floor. (scout also flare but is for stationary fight)

So for sure i will choose Rogue if the choice is Sc1 or Ro1

But i will say one more time i love A3, i love ms lv 15 i play much time with it bugged and always managed it, also love Twin Arrow.

The thing i would like to ear is simply:

Relax A3 or Ro1 in your build don’t matter so much b/c are filler rank so you can choose wich one you like more.

Other hand if is not like that i would like some one tell me "hey man you will regreat about this choice in long term view so trust me don’t pick a3) difference is not marginal but is HUGE difference.

If difference is really minimal for preference and play style i would go A3.

but i don’t want regreat that choice maybe at end game build r10 re roll b/c i skipped rogue.

Btw thx for help much appriciated

in other hand would be good if someone can provide me an idea of difference / pro cons between:

A2 R3 Ro1 Fal Mergen


A3 R1 Sc1 Ro Falc Megen

+steadyaim lv 15 but it is actually only 10% increase from steadyaim lv 5 with the cost of 2 rank, while R1 give 10% increase with the cost of 1 rank
+coolest R3 costume

+cloaking +5movespeed
+fluflu for aggroing (fluflu+cloaking will make enemies attack their friend)
+camouflage for mini safetyzone
+flareshot DoT infinite AoE
+double flareshot+rain arrow

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IMO, you should go for ar2ran3ro1fal1mer. It takes too long time for lv15 MS to use in like 3 or 4 sec left after circling + triple arrow + homing arrow combo

This make sense to me and is good pro for Rogue +1 here.

About paragon of build :

Would like to ask to @myself what is the difference in barrage lvl 5-15. also forgot to metion as filler spiral arrow that is 12 shoot in a very short time.

For the rest, since both build have capture scout in terms of dmg provide only flare and x2 with capture in combo with arrow sprinkle (good AoE burst)

But at this point a build A2SAP2R1Ro1FalcMergen

lose a3 that we sayd can be easy replaced by more usefull stuff, and change the scout 1 with sapper 2.

Lose Flare to capture and Cloaking for trave/pvp/easy et floors

for Gain pujistake + circling combo + claymore (c2 new attribute is good and hit fly too + synergy with circling) and broom trap to also capture wich i think potential is better than flare?

flare as ground skill don’t hit fly type right?

Here’s from my master:

flareshot can still hit flying boss

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