Tree of Savior Forum

A2R3SR3 vs A1R3rogue1SR3

Has anyone compared the damage between these two builds with similar gear?
I’m torn between which one to go.

A1R3rogue1SR3 has best damage potencial, but will cost more to archieve, A2R3SR3 is the low budget preferencial choice

Could you elaborate on that? It seems to me that glass mole cards that give 80% more physical attack are better than werewolf cards that enable 40% more crit chance.

if you have an good way to burst damage then glass mole will be better, since glass mole works only during 4s, so you will have time to use 1 or 2 skill max

Isn’t glass mole 6 seconds? With two mana pots that’s 40% uptime.

Does anyone have specific evidence or experience regarding which is better?

Serious content: glass mole for dps.

Farming/random: any card works (ellaganos, rogue sneak hit + werewolf).

Glass mole is 6 seconds duration.
Rogue1 sneakhit has 10s downtime (maxed duration attribute).

Example of rogue reiter with werewolf card :

Example of A2R3SR3 with glass mole cards:

In the video you linked the player had less than half the physical attack of the player in the video I linked, yet both kill the Crazy Woodspirit in about 11-12 seconds. And that’s with glass mole up the entire time. To me this seems like the werewolf build is vastly superior. Am I missing something? What do you think?


I don’t have an SR but I am running Rogue3 so I’ll try to rationalize the build with Rogue. Basically if you can manage to position properly then rogue’s sneak hit will be easy to take advantage off even without Werewolf cards since SR’s main skills are ranged and mobility won’t be much of a problem thanks to Limacon BUT this still means you’ll be manually dodging stuff since you need to position yourself behind the monster which is most of the time away from any defensive mechanic like Safety Zone.

The main difference I can see is that I’m assuming you’re getting A2 in the 1st build for the crit buff from Swift Step BUT you have to remember that Rogue has Feint which pretty much combos with your Ranger3’s barrage.

For Werewolf vs Glass Mole for Rogue1, I think you’d be better with Glass Mole. It’ll do wonders assuming you can properly burst down during its duration. I’d only recommend using Werewolf cards if you want to play a little easier or if you went Ro3Hacka like I did since staying in melee range really makes you susceptible to knockdowns and knockback both of which really hurts your dps.

TLDR: Glass Mole if you can pilot really well, Werewolf is your not that confident or want an easier time using Sneak Hit.

As for the videos, can’t really comment since i don’t have an SR :grin: