Tree of Savior Forum

A2-R1-SC1-F3 Solo Crystal Mine 280

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u gaiz soso srs!!111!



Iā€™m sorry but CryoChrono is better overall. Even for Dragoon. For Fletchers though, itā€™s questionnable.

But with Link nerf, people will start to want more CryoChrono than LinkerChrono now to be honest. (Or theyā€™ll want both).

From all the ET runs I did with different builds (Even with 2 archers NOT SR), CryoChrono was better. Frost pillar gathers mobs in one spot which linker canā€™t do or maybe he can with more risks.

Also, who wants to bring single target dps in ET?..

Edit: Explaining why itā€™s better for Dragoon. Most Dragoon have Cata 3 in their build (I say MOST, not all) and they need Silence tree from diev OR Frost pillar to dps WITHOUT any major risk. With a good stuff, they can do 6k per rush hit on mobs which is quite good.
I admit that itā€™s biased because all the Dragoon I met were Cata. Maybe someone made a Dragoon without Cata 3ā€¦

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This guy doesnā€™t listen if you look around the Archer section. Heā€™s sprouting bull crap.

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Thatā€™s surprise for me.
I alway thought Most dragoon use this build. Sw>Pel>HopC3>Dop>Dragoon.

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Well I donā€™t see a lot of those kind of Dragoon here on Fedimian server. Thatā€™s why I added a note at the end :).

Also, did you see Mergen attack? itā€™s not ā€œthatā€ great.
When I do ET with LinkerChrono, itā€™s hard to gather all mobs to dps them mainly for 6F. (Not talking about 1F cause itā€™s possible to complete it with 3-4 persons tbh).

Now, you talk about Mergen, Dragoon etc. Iā€™m sorry but most team donā€™t bring those build after 5F (Because first 5F are so easy you can bring people to leech cube).

So even IF Linker is better with them, they wonā€™t be there for ET so CryoChrono is still better overall.

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Fletcher is fine for ET. There are plenty of party combinations that support a single target DPS through 10 & 15/F currently, and after R8 Fletcher have made it to 20/F.

They do their job okay of assisting with target destruction and boss killing. AoE DPS is only exceedingly important on 1/5th of ET altogether, and even then players are more than strong enough to even 4-man these floors in numerous instances nowadays.


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Fedimian EU server dragoons are mostly cata3.
Only hop drag I have seen was this girl.

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Fedi full of pervs? :disappointed_relieved: looks at the screenshot

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Please let me know your attribute level for Magic arrow, Broadhead.
Look like higher dex is really good.

Thank you

LV 10 MA w/ 75 attri
LV 15 BH w/ 50 attri

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Guys! Letā€™s not dodge the questionā€¦

Why is Fedimian full of pervs?


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Because this world full of pervsā€¦

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Yes, I always say this. Funny pervs though. It must be the EU genes.
I saw them on my first day at fedi (fedi city), and kept running into them since.

We have someone shouting with megaphone 24/7 too. He is such a silly cow.

Pervs make the place more interesting. :slight_smile:

Without them it would be too bland and boring.

At least we can laugh at their antics.