I’m thinking of doing this build
now and after Combat System Changes
will be viable?
Full str?
is it ever good. i don’t think so
what isnt? qs3 and wugu together?
you can watch some movies about QS3 and W3 here
usually i wanted to make the same QS3 W3 build, like a few months ago.
atm its lvl 173, QS3 and W1 , and its awesome in pvm and im always No1 dmg dealer at bosses while doing instances.
stats atm= 50con, and str is almost as same high as dex. guess it was arround 170.
prolly pushing everything in dex now.
but we have to see if its still good in later games when the stats redoing is coming.
since we have a free rank/stat resett anyways, you can now kinda do whatever you want, without much regrets…
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