Tree of Savior Forum

A way to control anvil's RNG

The way anvil system right now is too unfair for unlucky people. So taking what is good from system right now, i propose Anvil Shattered Shard (ASS) to increase your Anvil RNG

  • anvil UI should show the probability of success similar to transcend, and there is a slot to put ASS
  • ASS only obtainable 1 shard upon finishing any quest (excluding merc quest), this way every powerseeker/whale will be forced to spread to most map questing
  • ASS is character bound and not teamstoragable
  • 10 ASS = +1% chance of anvil for orange equip, +0.5% for legend equip
  • ASS only usable for CRAFTED (no berthas no primus)/legend equipment with refinement below +16, and that equipment will become unsellable but still teamstoragable
  • to prevent saltiness, any ASS-ed Equipment will be shown as their vanilla status when peeped by other person, but they can still glowing

this idea is pretty ass

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My Kingdom for an ASS!!!

will be more whale item there, I think every player have a present from IMC 1 Ridiculous Anvil will get any kind of armor or weapon success +21 with left only 1 potential and all socket open and Untradable or Tradable :smiley: we will see tons of new player (I will create 3 account at last for that :slight_smile: )

Just yolo.

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