Tree of Savior Forum

A strategy for dealing with the P2W cube

IMC’s staff are already set on the argument that this cube is not p2w as “all items in the cube can be obtained ingame without money spent” <-kek

If you don’t spend thousands of dollars every month, your protest is just a drop in the bucket for IMC.

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Nice or bring the raw numbers in dollars :smile: Or how much costumes they can acquire instead of buying the cubes etc etc.

That actually misunderstands that business model of P2W games a little bit. IMC needs the rest of the player base to retain whale players, actually. If we leave, the whales tend to get bored and leave too. Maintaining good analytics is important even if you’re trying to monetize whales.

the problem is that some people have thousend of tp ( remeber the br bank case?) and not only them … a lot of people from SEA too (and all of them are fraudulent tp), you think that someone with more than 20k of tp will not buy any of those cube?, and not forget the old GvG wich neted some nice numbers for months too some people

Yeah, but you’re not leaving, you’re just playing less and buying less TP for a short period of time. The only way this stops is if the game dies.

I am someone who only bought founder’s and i have over 900tp lol…

The Whales only leave because the game in general is crap, people eventually leave and without a new influx of players there’s no one else to reign over in a mediocre game where ego is the main attraction.
If the game is good or good enough people will stay even with high cost of p2w.

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Math bro math. 0.6% will still be 0.6% even if you buy millions of cubes. It’s not cumulative . Sometimes you need to present numbers, known facts than spending a long post. Straight facts are good.

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Well, other thing to contribute to the cause is giving ToS bad reviews everywere, where it really hurts them, in [Steam]
( mostly, won’t be much, but it’s something, at least new players will think it twice or be warned before spending time and money in this P2W scam of a game. Other sites like Metacritic will also help, any popular site for reviewing games, as a matter of fact. And it’s called Karma, strange thing coming from an asian game that they’re not aware of this concept, quite funny, really.

You’d think that, but Burn Jita worked pretty well for EVE.If you can tank the analytics for a period a substantial amount, that tends to send a message to the business types who make the decisions about this stuff. What’s going to happen is that IMC is going to look at the amount of money they made on the secret cube, compare it to the goddess cubes they’ve sold in the past, and base their decision on that. If the non-whale playerbase stops buying their tokens and and the sales of the secret cube are low-ish, that sends a message that it’s not a commercially profitable endeavor. That is something that we can realistically do.

People play clash of Clans, farmville, etc.
Where money gets you in places.
This is just an MMO like that.
High levels of grind circumvented by money like any generic free app on the apple store or google play store for your phone.
Suck em in then throw walls at them where people go “fuk this” and shell out some cash to advance because they’re hooked.
If you mad you’re not hooked enough.

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then check some korean videos before, when they implemented this there, people started appearong with trans10 like nothing in their gear, the p2w items are 0,6% ok, but the shards, the cards and the other stuff that you can get in game with a lot of time are not.

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I Agree. this cube will make TOS fall into a pay 2 win endless circle. Lets cut it before it grow ! I will do as you say.

For a 90% chance to get one of the top tier(3%) drops you are looking at 76 cubes

For a 90% chance at a practonium(0.6% assuming equal distribution) you are looking at
384 cubes

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Better get that Credit card ready.

Thanks for the real math calling. All of this calling out that every whale will be full of abrasives and practoniums really seems like nonsense when you realize the real averages of that happening with our player base numbers.

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All this does is give an influx of items in the market, and would probably only be enough to slow inflation down.

With the influx of new players that can skyrocket to 300+ in short order, the demand for a lot of these items are way higher than what would normally be present at the traditional leveling rate. All this does is undercut RMT benefits people would be tempted to use to get the gems, upgrades, and practonium.

A cursory search puts 1million silver at a value of about $2.30 usd. Since you would need about 400 cubes( less than $45 through TP) and assuming that you would get about 1 ARank item per 75, with one of those 400 likely to have a practonium, it would easily put the value of the TP closer to $1.50usd ( very rough estimate that assumes a lot of stuff that I will slowly attempt to explain if desired).

Since the number of players are rising, and DPK has been crazily increased for hunting grounds, practonium gives an alternative to hunting ground items since the items are higher quality(unique) have more attractive stats, and well, look cool. Also that number of new players would normally cause a huge spike in prices of high level gems, prac, upgrades etc… that they likely can’t afford without resorting to RMT markets.

This move allows for IMC to get income from this market that would normally be gained by illicit activity, so it’s better for the overall health of the game. More money from players to IMC means more staff, servers, and attention to better address issues.

In the short run, prices will drop as an influx of practonium, gems, and a short run of anvils hit the market, but with the recent changes, some players will swoop up cheaper practonium to resell(risky in the short run) and it’ll stabilize prices some, but hey will drop, and when the even ends, they will rise again.

All this doomsaying should instead be redirected to increased DPK values making goods and items less available(4 hours of continuous farming is unrealistic for most on a regular basis), which is what makes people resort to this kind of gacha cube or RMT. Even the stingiest of players will eventually debate wether 12 hours of straight farming is worse than mowing a few lawns.

The issue in this case isn’t the practonium as much as it is the diamond anvils and the level 9/10 abrasives. Those can be exploited to achieve things that aren’t really feasible otherwise, like +20 weapons and level 10 gems.