Tree of Savior Forum

A strategy for dealing with the P2W cube

IMC is a business. They do things that make them money. The decision on Leticia’s secret cube is probably too far down the pipe to stop, but if we can tank their analytics they’ll probably think twice about selling it again. This means is how:

  1. Minimize time spent playing ToS before the cube is removed in early June. Login and collect your event loot, then log out.
  2. Don’t buy TP in this period. Don’t spend any either.
  3. If you’re going to be logged in, crowd around the TP shop in Klai ch1 and use a memo (type !! before a message) to leave a message that tells other people to not buy the cube.
  4. Whales are actually people and are usually part of the community too. If there’s a general atmosphere of “No! Don’t buy it!” then odds are pretty good you can reduce the amount sold to them.
  5. After the cube is expired, pool money to buy and then destroy level 9 and 10 gems, cheap practs.and dramatically over-anvilled gear.

If the cube succeeds commercially, then more P2W is likely to come. If it fails, we’re probably safe for a long time. If we work together, we can tank its sales and then limit the damage done to the markets.


Yep it is a businesss, you do realize needs to give salary to their employees too right? Where are they getting their funds then? Will this method of yours not affect the players in the long run? (eg. IMC will fire X amounts of employees, maintenance will suck, issues will not be fixed right away due).

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Suck it up or play FFXIV.

Anecdotally I can say that the latest school costume did quite well and was not P2W at all. I can also affirm that tokens sell in pretty good volume as nearly every high level player I know has one. I personally buy my token with TP most months, so I am doing my part to support the game. P2W is not the only monetizing strategy available to IMC.


P2W started with practonium this simply makes it accessible to casual players. It became less p2w for me.


I do, usually, but the Leticia’s secret cubes are a pretty clear case of the kind of P2W that creates power creep and damages the integrity and fairness of a game. Tokens are fine, enchant scrolls are fine…Gatchas with Diamond anvils and level 9/10 abrasives are not.

Agreed on your point about the costumes, no doubt. But hey tokens are p2w too in a small scale. So basically we are already accustomed to it, it’s just that we cannot afford “all” of this goods that IMC sells via market. I think the OP buys tokens too.

Based on what.
Tokens do more then Leticia’s for any “honest” player.
Doubling your Saalus runs is far more significant than anything on here because of Transcendence’s position as the End-All of power…
If they put Goddess blessed shards on here it would ■■■■ on tokens.
Not that this is a defense of anything.
Only that this game already benefits people who pay money over those who don’t in very significant ways and to alleviate this you have to go and spend your in-game silver to acquire these things from those with real money, which of course also benefits those with money.


Practonium is a pretty crap system, but how is it P2W? You level the character up, get the box, and open it. It’s all doing stuff in game. Sure, theoretically you could sell TP shop items on market to make the money to buy one on market, but at the end of the day that token was obtained by someone playing the game.

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That’s less of an impact than you think considering market price for shards is below the re-roll cost of the cube. Sure, the second run plays some part in keeping it that way, but as it stands it’s not a large effect on the speed of progression as high levels of transcendence usually require buying shards on market anyways.

You buy tokens to sell on the market then buy pract with the silver gained.

How is this theoretically different than selling costumes on market?

No diff. P2W started a long ago, ever since they made tp items selllable on the market.

Won’t work. OP and everyone reading this probably never spent any money on this game, or at least not more than a founder’s pack and maybe some more for a costume at some point. The people who will be buying 80% of these cubes are a small handful of people who spend thousands of dollars on the game. As long as they want to buy this ■■■■ IMC will keep selling it. In a way it’s at least better that they buy pay2win ■■■■ from IMC than buy silver from bots.

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Tokens are different in two ways. First, they’re not RNG and are in that way significantly less bad. Second, they don’t dramatically expand the reasonable cap on player power. Level 10 gem abrasives and diamond anvils do. They’re also quite cheap on market, which means non-paying players can obtain them easily.

Are they P2W? Sure a bit, but P2W is often something of a sliding scale and Leticia’s cubes and Tokens are pretty far apart on that scale.

It isn’t.
The game is set up in a way where people with money can profit in numerous ways and utilize this profit for different advantages such as buying Shards, prac, etc.
They can already do this.
Token worked as a pseudo-subscription. Which I’m not against, it’s just clearly advantageous against people who do not purchase it, and purchasing a token from someone else helps the seller of that token (which is still advantageous).
The game is p2w. The more money you spend the more ways for you to reap reward from the game.
That’s all there is to it in the current environment.
This cube will again basically do the same thing but add another potentially more cost-efficient means of acquiring certain things for paid user.

I don’t think the size really matters because it’s all been significant so far and they continue to add significant P2W. Perhaps the quantity is daunting as it’s just more things to throw money at.

IDGAF though, I already have low expectations of this game.

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i retired from tos around the time that they implemented this in korea, yet they didn’t here and started login last week since the games seems to be doing fine… then this happen, the practonium deal isnt game breaking at all (it may be positive since the prices will drop for it), is 3% chance and the HG 315 weapons can be found with 4 slots and similar atk power, wich seem way better than most practo weapons, the real problem are the shards and gem abrassives, leveling a gem to 8 is a pain, for whales getting gems to 10 would be no problem and since crit rate is much more of a must for phisical dps builds with 4 slotted weapons its unfair, plus the ET reset and diamond anvil is just pure p2w (you can’t get any of those in the game)

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I’m protesting in Klai ch1 right now wearing heart lenses, a female pilgrim outfit, and with an original penguin out. I buy my tokens with TP usually.

Best way to discourage them? Bring up some Maths 0.6% means 6/1000. Discourage them thru data, videos and etc.

Topic: Hey wallet knight! 0.6% dude, don’t buy leti cube.

Known facts :slight_smile: Come on guys, we’ve been here (with other TP events) before.

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Good idea. I have adjusted my memo.