Continuing the discussion from About the Gameplay Feedback Category:
So…it is by now common knowledge that Tree of Savior has been kinda “hyped” for the past months. Fact is, the game truly is pretty amazing, and a large part of the overall community would compare the game to Ragnarök Online. Such comparisson is in fact pretty good, as Ragnarök pretty much dominated as a great game by it’s age.
Truth be said, i do consider Tree of Savior a good game, but there is ONE thing that i actually HATE by this point, and which will probably occur to most players in due time.
Thing is: A system to level up based mostly on quests tend to be pretty annoying. We have a great example over the internet, World of Warcraft. For anyone that played the game, it is well known that after a few characters, a person can’t bear to level up a character by quests, this person then rather going to dungeons until they are pretty much at a point that they -need- to do quests to level up. (Aka The very last levels of the expansion the game is currently is).
So, i do LOVE the lore of Tree of Savior, but, i also believe that making the players do the same quests over and over again will kill the playerbase eventually.[Again, it’s only my oppinion].
I’d like to suggest some update that focuses in changing this system. Something like…Map Discover and NPCs being linked by account, just like Collections.
Another fact to improve my point is that, Diablo, another of Blizzard games, especifically Diablo 3, pretty much had a good lore, good quests, and eventually went down due to the fact the players wouldn’t do the same quests over and over again, because IT IS BORING.
So…I suggest allowing one to repeat the quests, if he/she is playing a different character, and DESIRES to do so, but QUESTS must become something rather than the “Main Way of lvling your character”.
Creating better farming spots, or allowing more dungeons entry would be a way to “fix things up”. Also, even tho’ discovering a map is something good and the system giving rewards once you get to 100% of a map, it will probably get annoying to do that to every single char. My suggestion to this is that your points in the journal consider the maps revealed by all characters, rather than just the ones you revealed on your character.
Well, i end this topic by apologizing due to the fact i’m not well suited to write a whole topic in english, as i know little about the language, but, the main point i wanted to pass on is that repetition may not be a good thing to this game.