Tree of Savior Forum

A really explained Wiz3/Ele3/War1 guide

If its only magic based and not strike based from the rod.

Why did OP write this?

PS. No Lethargy makes absolutely no difference when AA using rods, it would however effect it IF you melee with it.

AA : Magic (not sure why they put [Strike] there.
So you can change that in your guide so no more people wasting points.
It’s a good skill anyway tho, if you’re playing with other people that are [Strike] based.

Just wanted to point out that , no it does not effect your own auto attacks.

1 point is enough for party play. Especially when you have a monk in your party.

But he should also correct the information, so people dont end up adding it for their own purpose.

Hey guyz, i have something like 100 k in money right now, just lvl up to elementalist 1, so would you recommand me to up my build like the op told us : 1 hail and 5 electrocution or something else ? and what attributes should i ma first ? (my magic missile are 30, elec and hail lvl 9).


Attributes can wait. Save up for an Arde incase you don’t get one

Get an arde dagger and then if you have extra money you can put in elec and hail. I prefer elec cause I use it a lot more in PVE. Hail mostly when grinding or boss fights.

You don’t really need much con after rank 7 because the proper usage if dark theurge can prevent you from most damages.

Animus or Max Petamion? 110 con here

With 110 con Max Petamion gives u alot more benefits Animus gets good with 250++ imo

TL:DR, All I can say is: Warlock need a big rework. The class sux. The only high DPS skill is only usable in front of me, which means that I have to run and hug the boss to use it, making me get hitted and knocked back most of times, which cancels the skills and I have to wait almost 2min to use again.

Mastema is a piece of crap. Totaly low DMG and its actually funny that it makes the mob takes more DMG from Holy(???). Very nice, I have all my skills with dark element and the skill makes me hit more with holy, haha.

Dark Theurge is nice for protection, nothing else.
Invocation is simply bad. The idea is nice, but how it works is simply useless.

I’m sorry, but as a Wiz 3 Ele 3 Warlock I’m content with the current Warlock. I have good protection, deal great instant burst damage against players in PVP, single target burst spell with even higher damage than Frost cloud, and a land mine setting spell which increase my dark damage even further.

Yes Mastema sux, so does many spell of other class.

The only thing that require a fix is Evil Sacrifice which actually enable you to control other’s orb as well.

Seriously, I don’t even want to pick other class for my Rank 7, given how OP Warlock is.

The only decent skill in PVP is Dark Theurge, since you cant simply run and hug your enemy to use Pole of Agony. You would die in any open pvp battle doing that. The skill should work like Fire Pilar, with the target to choose where you wanna use the skill.

Also, I’m not really caring about PVP, and it doesnt make sense a rank7 being good only for PVP, not PVE.
I feel like my rank7 is kinda useless in PVE. I can do a nice burst with Pole of Agony, when I get the lucky of not getting knocked back before using, but its still less DMG than Ice Cloud, since I can use like 4 Ice Clouds before the CD of Pole of Agony finishs…

It’s a single rank. The thing is, as a Wiz 3 Ele 3 you can’t get a better option compared to Warlock (Same goes to some of the other build when you have to choose a circle 1 for rank 7). You can’t expect a circle 1 class to be able to compete with circle 3 class such as Ele 3, Chrono 3, Wiz 3, Kino 3, or even Cryo 3.

The protection is good enough for Warlock to be OP. As an Ele 3 most of my problem lies in survival due to me playing a low CON high INT build. Picking a Warlock kinda minimized my weakness.

I do get that Warlock is kinda useless for a full CON ele 3 though.

Just because Warlock don’t give a super high DPS instead of a good defence, doesn’t mean that Warlock require a rework. You simply need to make use of it’s skill if you don’t know how to. For example, pole of agony is a strong spell in GvG to control an area, especially when you are cooperating with teammate.

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How about picking Runecaster instead of Warlock?

Runecaster doesnt work with Ele skills, just with Freezing Sphere I think. Rune is a good class for Cryos…

And the main problem of Warlock is more about how the skills works. If Pole of Agony was like Fire Pilar, it would be a WAY BETTER skill. Being a ranged glass cannon like Wiz/Ele/WL normally are, having to hug the target to use the skill is kinda lame.

Hmm I don’t actually know how Pole of Agony works. It’s channeling? You need to be near for it to work?

The cast range is melee.

Warlock needs a rework.

Yeah, imagine if there was only rank 4 available. Oh my god Elementalist needs a rework, pyro 3 is god.

The next ranks will make the Pole of Agony a ranged skill? Mastema making the mobs take more dmg from dark? Dark Theurge really usefull for PVE? Invocation really useful at all? I think not.

Also, comparing a rank 7 class with a rank 2 class is simply dumb, sorry. The first rank of a rank 7 class cant be wrost than the other ranks, that make no sense.

Even the outfit of Warlock make no sense, haha. All pink and white, lol.

Or you probably should git gud because you can’t utilize one of the most op skill in pve. I bet you are that Warlock that always throw his balls away in pve.

You either have teammate to setup for you or you have to go melee anyway when solo. So pole of agony being melee is just a slight hindrance.

Just because a class have more utility than damage doesn’t mean that the class is bad.