Tree of Savior Forum

A rare drop that copies or mirror a primus/berthas etc item stats

With the new legendary equipment that was announced and the way you give stats to them i thought it would be a nice addition to have an rare drop that mirror and creates a new weapon/armor with the same stats of the target item (Similar PoE) thus creating a copy of said item.
This would be to help people that already invested in weapons or armor with good stats and want to upgrade them to legendary and more.

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ahhhh sounds like Mirror Of Kalandra from PoE. Ultra rare global drop though, it was worth 150 usd back then on 3rd party sites. The thrill when you loot it or hearing the mirror drop sound was like out of the world.
If imc were to make it, 100% letitia cube item

For those curious and enjoy playing theorycrafting/class-building games with 0 p2w and 100% cosmetics transactions ( no gacha ) with an active/listening dev.

I left PoE for ToS and im stucked here hahahah.