Tree of Savior Forum

A possible solution to bots: in-game CAPTCHA-quiz item

ok, let’s rewrite this to how it would work for botters.

the drunk driver (your botter) swerves all over the road as he drives. but he knows a checkpoint is coming up, so he pulls over and gets out of his car. (logs off.)
now he walks down the sidewalk past the checkpoint, maybe he waves to the officers. then he gets into a new car and drives off drunkenly as soon as he’s out of sight. (logs on to a different account).

meanwhile, the cops are convinced their system is working, because they pull over a drunk (non-pro botter) once in a while, in addition to all the sober drivers (the legit players).

yep, this system is clearly working, with no flaws.

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Maybe because 2008/2009 is over 7 years ago…? Oh, and it also happens to resemble at least 3 other games I’ve played, so hunting it down on ■■■■ sites like MMOHut isn’t going to help. Only thing I can remember now is anime-like, chibi characters…

Oh, I’m smart. You’re not…care to answer why you STILL, for the 20th time, that you do not understand that the server


You want to log off before the limit hits and log back in within an hour: Here’s a captcha. Solve it, jackass…

Like I said previously, you can’t read worth a damn and choose remain that way…I feel bad for your English teacher(s).

OFFER A COUNTER SOLUTION or ■■■■ off…and that goes double for you, Mr.Snakebite.

I actually know the game, its called Cabal Online and now nearing to be ended since a remake is going out via the same name with new engine (actually also waiting for that to be released, lol).

idk if it made popular in other regions but it was really a hit in SEA up until today. Bots were easily caught by this simple method. The trick they use is they do it randomly but never too soon to the point its annoying. Real players actually looks forward for that to pop-up since it gives out rewards like some gold or some random stuff. Not really rare but helpful things like TPs or pots.

That way its not annoying anymore right?

Captcha 10 minutes after login, and if wrong twice would be an hour without can login if wrong again three hours and etc… until block the account.

yup, something like that

Issue is they only stop scrub botters. Not the serious ones that are causing the issues.

weeeeelllllll maaaaaaayyyyybbbbbbbeee…
because you’ve never really bothered to examine that point before? good job, smarty. first time you’ve even -mentioned- it in this thread.

now i’ve got as many accounts as i want to. how long will this “queued” captcha wait to remember me?
more than an hour?
more than a day?
more than a week?

what’s going to happen to other captchas, are they going to queue up too? i log off for a couple of days and half to answer a dozen captcha when i log in?
i really -hope- that this idea [queueing up stacks of captchas offline] is as ridiculous to you as it is to me.

but then again… who cares how long it remembers to captcha me when i log on later?
i’m a human sitting right there at the keyboard.
i’ll just answer the captcha, turn the bot on, set my timer for another 2.5 hours, and move over to repeat at the next computer.

so if i’m just an idiot, why can i poke a hole in every reiteration of your captcha scheme?
why don’t you quit dodging the issue with your insults and screaming, and actually defend the method you propose, instead of just dismissing it because i’m not offering something for you to piss on

money would be straight out. the bots would just try to provoke it on themselves if there were a way, to dig out that tiny extra bit of gold. but something like potions worth zero silver or something might be nice. or untradable temporary cosmetic items. 10 captcha tickets buys you a temporary hair dye. 15 captcha tickets buys you a temporary clothing dye. or something trivial but fun like that. untradeable items, with zero sale value, and a timer, so even if you don’t use them, they go away eventually.
see, i still hate the idea. i think it only punishes legit players, and the bots will have it solved faster than it got installed… but at least you’re trying to improve on the general concept.

Scrub or not they still able to stop some people, in the real world we have a saying that says “Doing some is still better than not doing anything at all”.

I don’t understand the difference of scrub and real botters that you’re pointing out though. But one think i can be sure of is that hackers will forever be there and able to do things as long as they’re gaining profit.

Scrub botters are usually players using bots.

Professional botters are usually gold sellers, and they have far more experience evading systems like these then the average player.

and yeah i almost forgot, the logging off before 30minutes doesn’t work, Since the timer still exist even you log-off and just being paused. Idk how they do it internally but i actually tried dodging that by logging off too back on the game i mentioned, but it still popped-up. So its not a simple timer that they use

@tzxazrael While hunting down the game I have in my blurry head, I came across another game I’d played that also had an example of a bad/partially OK captcha system

Eden Eternal:

Kept bots OUT, but like I said in previous threads: external API, often failed to load for people on slower networks.

Now I need to find the one I’m actually looking for: Correct completion gave the player a lengthy buff or item, and either neg-buffed or did something else to players and bots that did not.

And Now I actually have to look all the way back to 2004, around the same period of time I can remember that Harry Potter game segment from…

and probably far more sophisticatedly programmed bots as well.

like the kids playing street hockey, vs pros at the stadium. the pros know a lot more, and how to do a lot more.

oooh wow yea, EE, man oh boy, yep the bot-bomb sure worked super good there.
it was NEARLY as effective as just standing next to the bot and asking them to stop. which was exactly as effective as it sounds like it would be.

CommanderLoadFail is the best anti-bot.

Bring it back 9000% stronger than before.

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hah! this would be a good plan, if only the commander wasn’t entirely as blind as a rock.

i’d go with the standard “as a bat” but they have sonar, and he might do better than strictly luck with that.

Oh, you mean a UI window opening on a game with no AC for the first 6 months of it’s life?

On another note, they removed the system, and they still don’t have a bot problem…figure that. I started both Eden Eternal and Aura Kingdom when they opened: one had an anti-bot system (eventually) and a harder attack on botters which eventually lead to a practically botless game, the other…well, we had our accounts hacked on launch week because they left the database insecure…

Which still goes to show that ANY system is better than no system.

Meanwhile, you still have offered jack.

I figured they could implement an audio based anti-bot (not like they can hear all that well), but I bet you’d say no to that as well, because you probably also have issues with hearing and find it to be a hassle…

yea, the game was starting to die years ago. slow peaceful death, but it was going. there were more than enough bots when i played, but botters aren’t going to stick around and waste their time botting in a game where there isn’t enough population to support them.

i said i’m leaving it to you to defend and improve the system you’re supporting.

i -do- have issues with hearing… because i listen to too much loud music. additionally, my video card is annoyingly loud, and my TV is usually on or i’m playing music. admittedly, i could probably make it work if there were a popup that jumped up to the top corner, saying “you’re going to get captcha’d, you have 15 minutes to respond.”… like a little clickable box next to the map or something. then you poke it as soon as you’re done with whatever you’re fighting. you pick what type of captcha you want… picture, text, audio… other types? i can’t think of any, but who knows. then it does whatever captcha type you picked, and you get a buff or a debuff. or maybe a valueless prize, like suggested above. or something.

i’d say in the modern day, it’s only reasonable to offer a selection of captcha.
you can’t do exclusively audio - player might be deaf.
can’t do exclusively visual - player might be blind. (yes, blind people can use computers)

…i’m tired and my brain proposed the idea of an exclusively potato based captcha, followed by the question of who it might offend.

anyway, i still hate captcha, i still think it’s simply going to be the briefest of distractions for bots, but as a player, i would probably not find this horribly offensive. not -horribly- so.

IMO, this idea will give more harm than good. It’s so easy to abuse and annoys legit players.

Seems like a good idea. I also like that one persons idea. Can’t remember his name but it was having high level non aggro monsters in each area that has the most bot farming.

It’s pretty obvious that the topic starter did not play IMC’s previous game, Granado Espada. They had a captcha system in the game for bots/bot reporting system. Guess what? The captcha system was broken for some, often appearing as a BLANK PICTURE asking you to input the words in it. With the timer going down but nothing to input to, people would get sent off to jail innocently.