Tree of Savior Forum

A New Ages Begins... by druids only

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How is the damage of Flamme Mages’ Pole of Agony? And wait–will they actually cast this newly added spell during dungeon run?? D:

Yes they do cast it in the Lv.115 dungeon

And yet IMC decide it’s okay not to get matched with Cleric in dungeons…

The ones from the monsters are actually pretty weak. I can stand in them and AA the enemy to death without even healing (im a cleric)

They have next to no base dmg and only use 50% mag attack for dmg.
They won’t really bypass magic defense that well.

Caro for a druid is still better as that fire pillar has no cd and should benefit of the agni necklace.

Haha. I was so worried since I hate Cleric-less dungeon runs and I’m rolling a Wizzie.

the pole of that mob scale with 200% atak but may be others mobs have anoter kind of the same spell… like que mob of wall distric 8

whats the cd on pole? it may replace effigy on my zombie bokor druid3.

Not sure if Flamme’s is the same but

It may be different because I know that some mobs have safety zone at different cds from each other.

Flamme Mage, and the cd & dmg are the same. Didn’t check for hits on that one though.

Ok that’s good to hear, hmm it’s a gamble then.

what is this ? magnus and poly ? huuum i still thinking chapl druid gonna will be the main exorcise build, i’m playing tos but still a ragnarok player u_u