Tree of Savior Forum

A first baindaid to enhancement system

In other words. I think this sums up the reason why it shouldn’t even be changed in the first place.
Also I think all the cash shop bullshit should go away cause that would at least even out the odds across the board without pay-to-win people doing pay-to-win things.

Doesn’t matter what they do.

It’ll never please everyone.


IMO the valid changes would be:

  1. Complete overhaul in a good way.
  2. Bandaid: cap max enhancements to help against the power creep.

Other than this I doubt we can get any other good solution that won’t make it actually worse >_<

I really trust that there’s no cheat for enhancing weapons (but that there are patterns/placebo stuff you can risk trying to get better luck).

But we still have the problem of bots, RMT and AFK necros etc. The higher the enhancement cap (or no cap, at all) and easier it is, the more the issues of power gap and power creep is worse.

Then it goes all the way, map balancing, game too boring, power creep, TBL. Pretty much a snow ball.

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Well, that’s true.

But honestly the game feels boring at end-game because the game IS boring at end-game. If the only thing to do when you reach end-game is mindlessly grind the samey dungeons that have daily limits until you get a weapon so that you can look at it and show it off cause there’s nothing else you can do with it… Wait. I was going somewhere with this argument.

Ah whatever.
End-game is boring. The more they focus on palliative solutions the worst it gets.
And that’s why I love FFXIV’s end-game. It’s grindy, sure but there’s plenty of different stuff to grind.

Sigh. I don’t know why I bother tho.
I left this forum for a reason. WHY AM I STILL TRYING!?!?!? D:


I agree, making enhancement easier in any way is exactly the wrong direction to go. And while I would love to see a complete overhaul of the weapon system in general (including more designer weapons, redo refinement/transcendence/awakening/briquetting etc), I doubt we can expect even a bandaid fix in even the distant future to any of this.

I don’t think a bandaid fix is really plausible regardless, because I don’t see a really reasonable way to implement a refine rate cap at this point. Do they reduce the refine rate on any weapon above the cap? Seems unfair. What kind of compensation could they even give for that? Do they just let people who are already past the cap keep their illegally high refine rate? Kind of unfair for those who didn’t accomplish it before the cap, but at least that problem would work itself out in the next level cap increase (theoretically at least a +15 380 weapon will beat out a +21 350 weapon).


There should definitely be a cap on enhancing. No good can come from a weapon that can endlessly grow in power. The reason people get so upset and frustrated with upgrading is because of how much attack power their weapons stand to lose if it doesn’t go well. Maybe they should lessen how much patk/matk is gained through enhancing so it isn’t as painful. Now this is an extreme example but upgrading a solmiki weapon to +21 adds almost as much power as trans 10. There certainly isn’t any content that necessitates being that powerful, but it none the less feels bad seeing others achieve what you cant have simply because of luck. No reasonable amount of effort or time can close the gap. Thats what wrong with the games current system.

Maybe something like safe refine zone every 5 enhancement (e.g 10, 15 20) that the potential don’t drop past these values once you reach them? Like, if you spend up all your potentials but not getting +10, then what is the point of golden anvil . . .

I would just like to reiterate that, in the official version of RO that i played, the ‘normal’ enhancement goes: safe to a certain +(that’s 4~7 iirc, depending on the item and item level). After that. it’s gone if the enhancement fails. Many things changed afterwards then, like having different kinds of enhancement mats (which may or may have not been p2w depending on your viewpoint, and version). The nice thing (back then) was that one doesn’t really need overupped equips to do well in contents (pve, pvp, etc.)

I believe what we have in TOS is much more tame. Only that, i can’t say for sure if content in TOS can be done well if the items aren’t over upgraded.

On the other hand, in a game called Dragon Nest, before the latest updates, equipment enhancement is capped at +15. Safe enhancement is around +6 or 7. After that, just like RO, equipment gets destroyed upon failure… But wait, there’s more. There’s an item called jelly which can ‘protect’ your equipment from getting destroyed upon failure. The catch is… you can buy it in the cash shop. (Though to be fair, the game publisher of the version i am playing gave a lot of events that produced free jellies). Basically you can reach the enhancement level you want as long as you have the resources. Good thing (before) was that, in the early days, +6~+8 was enough to do content, then power creep came, +10 seemed to became the norm. Now, idk. Also, from what i remember, if you wanna do endgame content seriously, be ready to have the best equipment (most expensive and hard to make) ready, and the minimum enhancement i am seeing mostly is at least +12.

I’ll leave it up to the readers if they think the aforementioned systems are better than what we have in TOS.

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in RO though enhancing gives a set amount of atk or def per upgrade. Back when I was playing RO it also had a cap of +10 (which I think just gives a total bonus of 70% to atk and armor stats? not sure about this), with the safety being +4 for level 4 weapons and armor iirc? Often times having +7 is considered good, and it just takes three successes to achieve this. Also Unique weapons that were really hard to find were good enough at their safe upgrade caps because they usually have a unique effect that makes them worth using.

The problem with ToS is that there’s no cap and every 5 upgrade levels starting from +6 gives a good chunk of attack that’s close to an entire trans level in value. There are also not as many choices in actual gear and “alternate effects” like with RO’s card system that could compare with the value that raw base attack values bring.

That being said, for as long as the game is a DPS race and the numbers involved with upgrading and trans are double and triple the base numbers of gear people will continue to be frustrated with the uncapped upgrades coupled with potentially very very bad RNG.

In ragnarok, armor upgraded safely to 4 and weapons to 5 iirc. I very much so miss Oridicon and Elunium. A mineral required for each and every upgrade. You couldn’t just buy anvils and upgrade endlessly. While its true that RO’s upgrading was harsher, it was also less important. +7 armor wasn’t much better than +4 and +10 was barely better than +7. It was done simply for prestige. This is not the case in Tree. The differences between +11/16/21 are huge.

You can actually do all the contents in RO with just +4. TOS is way way more harsher. Imagine 3 months worth of doing solmiki 40f and suddenly bam +6 no pot, thats why many people resort to cheating. There is no way you can compete in world bossing with just +6. Most people doing that content have 20+. In R.O you can boss hunt even with just +4 as long as you have great stats allocation + skills allocation. +10s are mostly for W.O.E, a knight surviving GF is quite huge. Reason is that in R.O most damage comes from stats and skills not from weapon. Thats why R.O can afford many unique damage multipliers like Elements and Cards even with just low upgrade. Im talking about pre transcendence R.O.


cos no limitation for anvil, :3

You couldn’t compete properly DPS-wise on MVPs if you had trash, underupped gears.
You could permanently lose your gear upon failing refining every single attempt after leaving the safe limit.
Cash shop sells refinement ores far superior than the ingame ones.
RO has a very few selection of cards that could be considered useful in a pile of hundreds of trash ones.

Most importantly: RO is a bad example.

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I played official revo-classic R.O when i left TOS last july. Im soloing MVPs with just +0 lvl 70 trap hunter(lvl 94 when i left). I can also do that with my incoming MVP monk. What matter more in R.O MVP is guild cooperation or party/friends searching the MVP fast. 3 GF in your party will surely lands the MVP. Its just who find first will win the MVP.

R.O = Camaraderie, technical skills and strategy.
T.O.S = Trans, uber upgrade.


But yeah, better don’t read. :tired:

not sure about you, but i am able to compete with DECENT equipment at SAFE ENHANCEMENT level. Trash equipment is another thing tho. Do keep in mind that it is possible that all of us here played different but (maybe) official versions of RO.

Yeah i’ve been telling that since the start

Gonna repeat ‘different versions’ again. Cash shop didn’t exist when RO started. Some versions didn’t even implement a cash shop that sells those iirc.

and TOS has a lot of very useful cards no?

Yes, that’s why it’s important to mention it. Something can be learned from it being a bad example.

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Your idea is a double-edged sword as ranters would whine about this being P2W. I see it coming in the near future though.

I have to disagree, me and my boyfriend have a “decent” gear.
Decent attributes and we can’t still compete to other players.
Days ago we have tried with friends to do Helgasercle, we have fond her for first and we started to attack with everything we got. Result: not a single cube.

i was talking about RO though

Ewww I’m sorry, I was thinking you’re talking about Tos!

honestly, they should just get rid of potential system

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