Tree of Savior Forum

A first baindaid to enhancement system

So i finally get enough money to buy a masi bow recipe but i really see no point in buying it if in the end it will be +11 and 2 pot. IMC really should do something about our current upgrade system. So punshing and frustrating. My suggestion is first put a limit to refine (+21 would be ok) and second but must important make the damn diamond anvils obtainable through normal gameplay. It doesn’t have to be easy, but men this things cost around 45m in silver. 45m just for have the chance of refine is insane.


Saw Inje once said there is no diamond anvil in KToS so yeah, you can figure out what it means here in iToS.
I myself dont like this system too, my hard-earned weapons usually stop at +7~9 0 pot, that i start to question if my account is cursed.


Infinite refine is sick…


They should just copy Kritika Online enhancement system:

The maximum enhancement level is capped according to the equipment lvl (+3 for lvl 1 gear and +15 for endgame stuff iirc). The success rate is abysmal and items lose stability upon a failed attempt (it’s the same as potential), but you can use stabilizing hammers to recover stability and keep trying. Also, besides gold, you need reagents called Whetstones. Higher grade Whetstones also exist and they slightly boost the success rate, so maxing the enhancement level of a gear in Kritika is a mix between luck and silver sink. If you have bad luck, you’ll have to spend a fuckton of money, but it’s always possible to achieve the maximum enhancement level without breaking your weapon.

Whetstones and Stabilizing Hammers are items that you can obtain in the game through questing, killing bosses and doing dailies, so they’re kinda like our Blessed Shards since they’re very important for the market.


I honestly don’t understand the issues a lot of people seem to have with the refine system in this game.

ToS honestly has the most forgiving refinement system I’ve ever experienced in an MMO. The fact you have up to 10 failures forgiven on the vast majority of items is absurdly lax, where most times I see a single failure is the end of your weapon.

If the game was balanced around it, I could see something like what @Pokart described in Kritika as working very well. I don’t think ToS could handle that as it is right now though without capping the refine rate though, the game just isn’t well balanced around it.

I do agree the unlimited refine is a problem. I would probably limit refine rates to something like +15 if it were up to me. But the much bigger problem IMO is still the Transcendence system. It just requires so much investment and gives such an enormous bonus that it forces your entire character build to revolve around it. I would say it also forces game balance to revolve around it, but it seems like they decided to scrap that idea when they switched over to the Log damage scale. So now rather than having Transcendence required for gameplay, it trivializes it. There’s no in-between because Transcendence is just so strong.

And I would hazard to say that the Transcendence system alone is the single biggest factor pushing players away from PVP as well. It certainly is a good chunk of the reason I haven’t even considered participating in it.


For all its bad rep, Transcendence is at least guaranteed. You know you can get to t10 eventually if you put in the time and effort. You also don’t progress backwards because you failed a RNG check. Best of all, you get back 90% of what you put into it, so it’s a great long-term investment for your character.

If anything, I’d rather they remove/cap refining and expand the transcendence system.


Anvil enhancement bonus increase the higher it is
Also damage is exponential from attack value

Another thing is diamond anvil make even bigger advantage gap for whale

There are a some of cases where a single character can outdamage a party of 5
Okay transcendence makes anviling over+11 less important, but we know trans 10 has never been cheap

The problem is getting bis gear is hard enough for then try to pass this rng wall. Majority of people can get only one masi weapon. They have 13 pot but minus five, 8 pot. If u failed from +5 to +6 you’re pretty screwed if u want to get to +15. The potential system would be great if when you failed the item doesn’t got -1.


I honestly don’t like the potential system at all. Losing all the money is enough of a penalty for failing at upgrading to me, and if you’re rich enough that that doesn’t bother you, you’re rich enough to just buy another weapon if you run out of potential.

The only actually reasonable function I see for potential is stopping people from just constantly briquetting their weapons until they hit max damage. Not like it would even be a problem, as the benefits you get from a perfect Briquette are dwarfed by refinements and transcendence.

If it was up to me, I would just scrap the potential system altogether. Put a cap of +15 on Refinement, and if you want it to still be challenging to hit the max, add a repeater flag for Briquetting and Refinement that increase the cost of their respective activities for each time you’ve attempted them on a given item. If you really don’t want people to hit the Refine cap, then decrease the success rates of refining past +10 a little. Change gold anvils so they let you refine without increasing your repeater flag, and bam refine system done. Just need to make Briquetting a shop skill and bam Briquetting is fixed.

Once all that nonsense is out of the way, then you can start dealing with fixing the actual problem that is the Transcendence system.


+16 cap refine please…

+25 weapon and T10 transcend?? plus shadow thorn for doing PvP…

alright, WE NEED TO CAP REFINE! +16 or +15


Masi weapons are actually surprisingly easier to get than the 330 ones when it was first released in DPK era. But yeah, BiS items still takes time to get in the game, in other MMOs BiS items are farmable multiple times in a day or two, that’s why the upgrade system is harder.

More viable win-win suggestion would be removing the potential system but keeping the -1 when it fails and becomes -2 when +15 onwards, -3 on +21 onwards, this way the weapon will not lose it’s value and diamond anvils will remain valuable.


IMO what really need to change are the backwards enhancement penalty upon failing.

We have lost potentials and tons of silver already upon failure, then we lost our progress too, this is so stressfull. This is pure gamble.

I often enhance to +11 and in the end it become +8, with 0 pots and massive amount of silver lost.

IMO the solutions are removing backwards enhancement penalty while changing diamond anvil to preserve potentials instead.


I find the backward enhancement annoying. Losing money + 1 pot for failure each time is enough of a penalty. Especially when i have to fail 2-3 times, sometimes even 4 just to get to +8 :roll_eyes:
People are fine with it cause they have no difficulty enhancing a weapon to +11, its like a basic standard to everyone here it seems.


the end is near, brace yourself

edit: the prophecy is wrong, the future is safe

Current dilemma to upgrading wasnt felt before because skill damage matter more than weapon damage. Weapon only act as unique addition to your damage. Thats why we have so many great weapons before transcendence and damage system changes. Since majority of damage now comes in weapon, everybody are upgrading their weapons to as high as they can. It is only natural because this is MMO. You grind to improve your damage so all of us has to go through to this RNG.

Centralizing most damage to weapons will cause many problems.

1: Cheating - This is so rampant because the game is so exploitable. You can just cheap your way through these RNG. Because of that everybody are skeptical to people who may have gotten their high upgrade with sheer luck.

2: Blandness - No more uniqueness in weapon. Its all about damage. Even though you may have unique element on it it wont matter if you dont have high upgrade or trans.

3: RMT/Botting - Self explanatory, theyre so rampant. IMC is lazy in bot banning what more in stopping RMT.

4: Mental stress - Sure youre lucky, but youre in the minority. Majority of players are constantly failing specially new to the game.

5: Extreme grind - You basically grind for nothing if you happen to just fail your upgrade.

6: Locked on your main - Making all the damage into weapon will bring you to pour all your resources into 1 char. Effectively killing the possibility of having many DPS chars.

Even though we may find a solution to enhancement. Other problems will still continue to exist. Every suggestion is good though. So IMC can see we dont like how the game is progressing.


I saw a faded 315 bow +38 with 2 potential left… that person shouted to sell it… and i was thinking while doing a random quest… how the f did you do that going to +38… O_O sorry no pics… but i was still puzzled and dazed a+38 is possible… -_- wish they put a cap limit on +

edited: i found that weapon again

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My personal vision for the upgrade system that uses what the game already has is similar to what mostly has been said.

  • +15 max upgrade cap
  • remove transcendence
  • remove potential
  • every “+5” is equivalent to the base damage of the weapon (1k base atk, 2k at +5, 3k at +10, 4k at +15)
  • reduce overall success rates especially beyond +10 but you can use blessed shards to increase chance of success when anviling

So basically upgrading just becomes a silver sink with unlimited tries but lower success rates. However you can take a slow and expensive route by using up shards to boost success rates.

EDIT: Also though I hate how transcendence kills tradability I understand that making “completed” weapons sellable in the market can bring its own set of issues so perhaps using shards in the upgrade process should make the weapon untradable (but team storage-able)


lemme guess, violet bow from Telsiai?


you hit the mark XD hahahaha… :smiley:

A upgrade cap limit seems reasonable, but I doubt IMC would implement such thing due to diamond anvils from cubes earn them money.

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