Yeah, make sure to use the bot report button and turn the bots in.
Flag for being a bot ingame, XOXO
You lack critical reading skill, i was suggesting they take note of the problem, also i did suggested something that could help, but you are to much of a troll to read properly it seems
Maybe people will use the upcoming report feature like is mentioned in the most recent official announcement.
See my thread: Token players ability to blacklist bots
Basically, Token players should be able to report and blacklist bots. Let’s say, if a bot has at least 10 or 20 different people report him, he will be auto switched into a blacklist channel. Think of it as a soft ban. Hundreds of players see the same bots pass by everyday. It will be easy for the bot to accumulate reports. GM’s are always too busy looking for the RMT who control the bots. This lessens their work wasting time banning bots to the players and allows GM’s to concentrate on RMT’s. Win-win scenario.
And before anybody thinks this can be abused, it will have consequences if you try to report innocent players. If you report innocent players, you will be warned and if you keep doing it, you will be banned, simple as that.
Well, looks like they already put something up… I was expecting an in game report function, but it looks like they made a bot reporting section on the forums. i reread the first link i posted and it does say in game reporting feature, so i guess the forums report section is in addition.
Do you think we can keep up with reporting 100-200 bots, so the staff investigates fake from real and manually bans them. The number is super low, pretty sure the bots we ill increase exponentially on F2P launch.
u can try but they won’t say anything. i alredy understood how they work, they pretend they ignore everything and BAM, tuesday IMC comes to life and do something, lets wait and see
I hope we can all agree that it really really sucks that they do that
yeap, if they said ssomething the could have saved steam score in the last week.
While I like the idea of it, it reminds me too much of games that either have no mercy and ban anyone with the slightest offense or games that are too soft and over-run. Also I’m not sure if I like letting the player base like that decide who to blacklist.
For instance, imagine if say a BR spoke in Global chat. The Nationality war in the megaphones would have most of the xenophobes all report the guy probably just asking if someone could party with them or if they’re selling a weapon or something. Granted the person in question would be found innocent, but it’d still dampen the experience for people who end up in that state.
Calm down, white knight. Flagged because offense.
I like how GM durian type in game yesterday saying “We will do something about the bots” and poof. Meanwile bots are still being bots…
Well there is a thing about a reporr system. Users might report nonbots ones as bots… They need to implement an auto detect system, this is not gonna work for good…
So far, only captcha works. But trolls are still gonna abuse it… that’s why we can’t have good things.
Yea, that pretty the dilemma. How to implement a system that detect only bots and not players.
In another note:
I remember some private servers would freeze you in place and ask you to answer a question like what level is that bat?
I wonder if implementing the “second password” system would work?
Look… no CAPTCHAS do not work… they just don’t. There’s so many ways to get around them for anyone who is determined…
EDIT: Note that the above stackexchange was back in 2013. The technology has only improved since then!!
I think this guy ^ not even playing the game and just trolling forum he says the game 100% free, no paywall, not many goldsellers, etc but not happy with that he pathetically try to offend those who play and care about ToS…
I wonder if the free to play model is what makes it so appealing to bot, im just trying to figure how is it that there is not that many, if any bots in WoW. I get is P2P, but with the new token system they have botting and gold selling would be viable, yet you dont see that in game(Is there but is minimal is what i mean).
- Well first off, Blizzard has their own dedicated anti-cheat system called Warden so that could be used to detect botting accounts. I’m sure they are a big enough company to employ more advanced server-side bot detection techniques as well. Here is an example strategy I wish imc could apply but everyone keeps telling me not to expect it to happen, so I’m not. We’ll just be stuck with a lot of bots…
Free to play model helps, as it lowers the barrier to account creation. It doesn’t stop botting as RMT could just steal credit card information to buy accounts to bot on for a few weeks (they then launder the mats and gold) before the account gets closed because the game company got a credit card chargeback. But F2P means that they can skip that highly illegal or costly “buy accounts” step and just proceed to automating account creation.
Asian MMOs are an RMT seller’s dream because pretty much all the progression is locked behind grind. Much more grind that you would find in pretty much any western MMO. And not everyone who plays online games has the time, patience, or desire to go through all the grind. Some people have a lot of money and not a lot of time. This is what RMT capitalizes on. They essentially try to sell you “convenience” in the form of silver, items, or power leveling. This just means you can always expect more RMT activities in games where progress is locked behind significant time sinks.
imc is trying to mitigate the RMT by selling tokens that can be traded for silver (essentially trying to cut out the middle man by becoming the real money trade dealer themselves), but because their $18 price point is a bad deal compared to every other MMO out there, it’s just going to crash hard in my opinion. In order for someone to want to buy tokens to sell, they’re going to probably want a lot more return than just 300-500k silver. It’s interesting to note that this amount of silver is not hard for a bot to gather which is why many of those RMT sites already offer the token equivalent amount of silver for less than the $18 imc token ‘subscription cost’.
- Final point is that the game may actually not be running with an anti-cheat at this point in time… we’ll see if this is true. If so, it was a really dumb idea on imc’s part.
That was just an example you know? There is no 100% counter against gold sellers tbh