Tree of Savior Forum

6th Anniversary Event

Greetings Saviors!

We have made an announcement regarding ‘6th Anniversary Event’.

You can check the details at our official website from the following link.

Link :

Thank you as always for your continued support, enthusiasm and love for Tree of Savior.


IMC Staff

Giltine’s Crown of Thorns LV 20 when will release???

@GM_Francis @Staff_Brand @Staff_Alex

where in the reset event the vaivora exchange with the ticket?? in korean the time to be able to exchange was increased and there was still the prize per day of the week that gave a voucher to unlink the set to pass to another character and a lot of other prizes, and when it comes to us, it’s this shame of coin event, I already saturate these coin event
@GM_Francis @Staff_Brand @Staff_Alex


After “Skill Balance” Patch, I want to change my build, but without “Vaivora Vision Extract Voucher” and “Goddess’/Demon God’s Armor Extract Voucher” from event, this is imponssible to me. In Korean event, they had more time to exchange vouchers. Can you help us?
@GM_Francis @Staff_Brand

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We demand vaivora extract vouchers. Let our voices be heard. We also demand a Known Issues which explains why you will add Vaivora Extract Vouchers to the event.

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make it happen please
@GM_Francis @Staff_Brand @Staff_Alex

Hello savior:)
The compensation for skill balance is newly updated.
Please check the patch note for the details!


We love you

Another zombie event for a zombie game. After rab-bite coin-coins :rabbit2:, anniversary coin-coins. :duck:

/me checks the event

Same coins, same buff, same expirable rewards… Basically same event continuing for one more month… pathetic…

※ When using the Reset Item Box (7 days ) , the following items are obtained . ( Team warehouse movement only )

[10 Level Arc ] Extract Scroll (1 Day ) — 1

Ishidabi Trinkets Unbind Scroll (1 Day ) — 3 Pieces

Vasilisa Equipment Unbind Scroll (1 Day ) — 8

[Lv.470] Accessory Change Book (1 day ) — 4

Vivora Vision Selective Extraction Voucher ( 1 Day ) — 2 Pieces

Goddess / Demon level armor selection extraction ticket (1 day ) — 4 pieces

Select Class Skill Reset Potion (1 day ) — 3ea

Select Class Attribute Reset Potion (1 day ) — 3

Class change ticket Lv.4 (1 day ) — 1 piece

Arts Reset Potion Series Selection Box (1 Day ) — 3 Pieces

in Ktos patch, they get free Reset Box Item, but i dont see in itos patch now!!!

i mean same patch,but different reward ??? how ???

heres link ktos patch > 트리 오브 세이비어

@Staff_Brand @Staff_Alex


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The rewards are copy/paste of every coin event since forever. If there are different rewards in kToS, you can expect them to be included, but we’ll have to wait after the maintenance to see if that’s actually the case.

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