Tree of Savior Forum

50,000 Kills Later~

If it’s just kill threshold how come we didn’t see more of these opening day for early access or on opening day of f2p? Surely someone, when we had the most players in that zone would have gotten it then. Why does it suddenly come up now and not then?

The DPK for rod or club can change if is a cleric or a swordman killing the infrorocktor. Only they can make the order of drops change.

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Welp boiz do i keep F%$#ing killing this sh@ts? im at 7.4k now should i stop?

now at 30k kills still no boater I’m jealous guys but I think those who killed 100k plus deserves more so Im not gonna whine yet

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Infro gem to answer your question. I got a monster gem at 73492 kills, and another at 73661 kills

I documented this in the thread, though I only updated when I hit milestones. At 70k kills I was at 2 monster gems, at 75k I was at 4. I never switched channels nor afk’d.

If you are saying it was impossible to achieve on those opening days, then how the heck did anyone come across it later on? It makes no sense.

There should have been at least 1. We even had only 2 servers then. I still don’t believe they come from the infrocktors. Every time I talk to someone about it that says they got it, their story just simply does not add up.

If you guys ever see me stop and say hi lol


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In that first week or so, I thought there were less channels in the starter zones so more people in one channel murdering infrorocktors all day.

There were less channels, however, and this is if I’m remembering correctly, the starter areas had many more channels than the maps past the starting towns. I believe this was the case to prevent everyone from clumping together during the launch (but there definitely was still a lot of lag, of course).

Even if there were, say, 20k people per server, on six channels, multiplied by at least 7 infrorocktors a piece, we’re looking at about 24k minimum kills per channel, and this is assuming everyone started on the Klaipeda side. Everyone would have needed to kill four times the infrorocktor quest requirement, but I believe most people were concerned about moving onto new areas as soon as possible in the leveling race.


Additionally, I should add that during early access, there was maintenance on April 4th and 5th. Plus, a lot of people struggled even getting into the game. The following week had maintenance on the 12th, 15th, and 19th, all of which reset the kill count.

During the launch on May 10th, there was maintenance on the 13th, 16th, and 17th.

**warning, take with several different grains and qualities of salt

Just wanted to bring up something: A number of posts ago Takemi suggested that there may be hats in the game that are attainable through the same method as Infrorocktors. Assuming this is true (I mean, why would they only add one hat with this 100k minigame, right?), anyone dare to speculate on which monsters might have another hat? Red boaters from red infrorocktors, perhaps…? Infrorocktors have only one spawn area, with a high density. It would make sense that these 100k minigame hats (may not all be 100k, who knows) should be on monsters with one spawn area and high density. I know demon prison 2 and dina bee farm are heavily farmed, and no one has ever recorded a hat from those places, so we can cross that off the list.

One thing that leads me to believe the above is that there are hats which have existed since cbt, are not part of 5-man party missions or anything else, and these hats have never had any “patches” that implemented them into the game, or as cash shop headgear. And new hats are constantly being added, i’s like the old implemented hats don’t even exist or are being ignored. Maybe magnum opus of the future will open up some of these hats, but I really want to hope (or delude myself into thinking) that at least some of these hats are already attainable in the game.

Maybe I’m crazy, but I will try it out on a few different monsters just for the hell of it. I mean, everyone knows the true end game is Hats of Saviour… right?

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You see this is why I dont even believe it exists! So easy to photoshop!


There are more than a few on Varena atm I’ve seen this boater popping up more than thrice now.

Regarding other potential hat drops, I was thinking we’d need to probably obtain some more information from KToS (this would likely require more than just google searches) since it has been around for awhile (and because of their higher population). As much as I’d be willing to hunt for other hats currently–well, actually, after that last grind I’m still not quite ready to do something like that again yet–but I think attempting to find information on other hats would definitely be worth looking into for the time being. However, if you’re feeling up to the task, good luck.[quote=“perfectph34r, post:422, topic:293149”]
I mean, everyone knows the true end game is Hats of Saviour… right?

Exactly. The true end game is all about the hats.


It does exist. Found 1 in market for 25mil in Telsiai xD

Hat exists yeah. But I don’t think the method to obtain it is what people say it is.

there is a lil bit of shady business going on behind closed doors to get these hats if you know what i mean

Other people will likely obtain boaters this week and report them here. We’ll just have to wait and see what their results are.

I’m guessing the Tini doll might also be a dpk item. There are no known reports of it recently but it exsisted before in some beta version from a boss. However i haven’t seen a good spawn point for the tini archers/mages (no one knows which one, if either drops them, the item could just no longer be in the game). I’ve been meaning to find a good spawn for these guys so i can see if it drops. I must complete my plush headgear collection >:3


Its just a fukin hat. I’d keep my 15mil lol