Tree of Savior Forum

50,000 Kills Later~

Just so ya’ll know, it is now confirmed that if you can lock down the 100K mob, you can make TWO hats drop using swell body or double pay earn. Take a look in bald’s DPK thread and look for the video evidence near the bottom.

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Finally i got it too. It did follow the pattern that every set (blue/red orb & monster gem) dropped after 10k kills. And i got the hat even before the last red orb :smile_cat:
Total 102k kills. Telsiai @ ch12.
Started at 22k (kills from last week) and ended at 88.9k. So that’s around 67k.
Some random people did 7k kills everyday on my channel too, who refused to talk to me when he saw me farming. He (cryo chrono) just showed up and started auto attack with his sorc friend afk leaving TS shooting everything. I have tried my best to control my temper after 25hrs of farming, asked politely, and they just chose to ignore. But anyway thanks for your 21k contribution to me you selfish shyt.
Oh and very special thanks to my sweet boyfriend who willing to put his precious finger on Z button while watching his LOL match. So i got 14k from him.:kissing_cat:

It is a perfect match with My costume :kissing_closed_eyes:


Well done. Welcome to the white ribbon boater club! That costume is a perfect match.

Also, thanks for sharing your experience with the blue/red orb and gem drop pattern.

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Got mine today as well. DPK is real. Also noticed the pattern, Red/Gem/Blue. Orsha Ch.17

Took me 101,257 kills. The 64001 was a few weeks ago before I knew about the DPK. I have to thank the forums for this one, otherwise i would still be farming for this hat. :smiley: thanks!


Can also confirm, DPK excists.
Fedimian, ch22. Took 100kish kills, every 10k kills would get blue orb, red orb and a gem.
On the 10th cycle boater dropped \o/

(never again ><)


so what you are all saying is

afk sorc for 100k kills

then actually pay attention

freebie boater here i come

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Basically… If I understand it right DPK is a dumb system

just more of imcs free benefits to bots

Nice going guys! The DPK is real and really dumb. I wish I didn’t farm those 160k infrorocktors prior to finding this because I’ve spent this whole week playing Dragons Dogma instead of ToS. I’m so burnt out from this game right now. XD

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Unless you make sure that no one did any kill before you start, and no one will randomly pop up and stay there for you dont know how long when you are afk, then yes you may try it.

At this point I’m not sure any more confirmations are needed…
but since I went through the mind numbing trouble of doing it myself — !
I also can confirm that after around 100k infrorocktor kills, with my friends assistance,
on ch13 of Klaipeda in the west woods a white boater finally dropped.

Every 10k or so kills the monster gem + orbs would drop.
Over the course of my 2 day hunt the order changed
from red orb -> gem -> blue orb : to gem -> red -> blue
with each 10k seeming to increase the distance
of kill count between them. :scream:
(maybe my paranoia but by the end the gem, red orb, blue orb, & hat were all around 1k or more infrorocktors apart.)

DPK is a terrible terrible system in my opinion. Every time I reached the 10k point I was wrought with fear of some low level quester wandering through. — the final 10k when my hopes were set on the end being near… it made me sick to think someone could waltz in and all my effort been would have been for naught.

I never saw too many people, was usually lucky about that, but during the last stretch to boater it was like my worst nightmare coming true — Had two separate people come up over the course of the 100k drop batch and had to kindly ask if they could maybe change ch, thankfully they did… :fearful:

I always managed to get the monster gems between us (possibly coincidence since I killed much more/faster) but with individual loot on she was definitely able to kill a rocktor & get the orb, so I feel it is safe to assume so could anyone else have.

Between my friend & I, (i’m pretty sure) it’s spot on
1 boater
10 Red orbs
10 Blue orbs
10 Monster Gems
(the rest was gem food, heh)

Want to say my thanks to those in this thread who were able to recognize the pattern and convince me it was possible to obtain. Especially @Takemi !!

In the end, not even 40 seconds after the boater dropped a duo came through killing infrorocktors…
This story could have had a very different ending. :dizzy_face:


Congrats all on your boaters! I’m glad my 100k kill observation was able to help some of you in some small way. :slight_smile:


I’m really glad you were able to obtain the hat, and the sense of relief after obtaining it is amazing; it is so stressful as you approach that 100k point.

I don’t deserve any credit, really. My motivation for joining in originally was due to a combination of @Ophaq’s grinding determination and the information supplied by @kymemy and @Ingel.

Anyway, so I suppose that makes four successful boater drops this week; that’s excellent news. I hope more pop up for those willing to grind for it.


Death to DPK incredibly unfair and unfun system just give us % chances to drop please please please IMC


It probably wasn’t such a bad idea… if people actually played this game and made new characters it might be possible to get. But as it is now, they probably should consider changing it.

*Note that I still hate DPK and would like it changed anyways. RNG would be so much more fun to hunt for. It’s just a dreadful grind at the moment. It would be so nice if every kill there was a chance for a drop.

no thats the thing some of the items on DPK are almost impossible to get in the course of regular play - the antler headgear off the large panto spearman is a perfect example. -Two of them- spawn on opposite sides of a large area on a respawn time of a minute or three. The DPK for the antlers has been confirmed around 750 kills. You would have to spend an entire week in that zone killing them, racing the clock to server reset to get it to drop normally with DPK. The only way to get it is blitzing your way through the DPK with Oracle loot rerolls.


Hijacking this thread to say that Antler Horns might be a ~1500 dpk drop from Large Panto Spearmen. Get farming on your Oracles!

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1500 rerolls!?
Even with two overheat on that skill, with a cd of 150 sec that must’ve taken forever…
Looking at your screenshot, you didn’t even have any chronos helping you D:

We managed something around 900 or so resets, and considering it was a Saturday, we assumed a good amount of spearmen had already been killed since maintenance Tuesday morning. It’s possible that the horns are ~750 or ~1000 dpk, but I don’t think that many were killed before we started resetting.

Should clarify on that. There’s like, nobody with Antler Horns. You rarely see people wearing them, and in fact I’ve seen more boater posts/pictures than Antlers. It makes sense for it to have a hard-to-reach dpk count.

Need to bring in a chronomancer, deivdirby, and doppelsoeldner for maximum resets!

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