Tree of Savior Forum

2nd Mystical Cube hidden quest

NPC spawns at 9pm server time.

how did you completed the quest fot 2nd ripped paper? Which is from highlander master

could you write list of steps how to complete those 11quests which gives ripped paper

How did u complete the quest from highlander submaster ? The quest named sword pellor sthm, i cant trigger the quest[quote=“pereyraibz, post:4, topic:341818, full:true”]
How did you get the Carlyle Mausoleum quest? I’m 9/10, but the NPC is never spawning.

At 2pm too. Some friends just got it then

Hey, how did ur friend trigger the highlander master quest? The quest name is . Sword pell(2)

You’ve got to break the sword pell near the highlander submaster and then make the npc understand you’re really, really sorry about it.

How to be sorry for it

I hoped i wouldn’t have to be so explicit, but…just use the appropriate macro/emoticon near the npc.

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Could u write a handbook or provide a link which tells how to do those 11 quests?

I would guess there aren’t guides in english so far. I just searched on tos.neet for a list of quests that gave those ripped pieces of paper and gone from there.Also, it seems like materials for this cube may have a bit of redundancy, as you can potentially get up to 11 pieces of paper, even if only 10 are needed for the recipe. Assuming you can do all the quests (i couldn’t find how to trigger a druid master one, for example).
But even then, we still have no idea how to get the recipe. And without that, there isn’t much we can do.


The recipes don’t seem to be even in Ktos, so we should leave it for now 'til we know more.

Apparently someone found the recipe. They said it drops from a Guild Raid (lv12).

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There is already a thread about it (a guide even) don’t necro a post 6 months old… :neutral_face:

The very guide that you posted says over and over again that the location of the recipe is a mystery… which goes back to my first post, lol. Old information should be updated with the new in case a newcomer comes in looking for answers.

You didn’t read properly then “lol”, not only it says so in the thread title itself, but if you use “Search” you can find multiple replies from weeks ago about it.

One thing is keeping things up to date (like everyone else is doing in that thread) another is necro’ing a dead thread 6 months old.

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Funny thing is, this thread is more useful for that answer, as I don’t have to trawl around hundreds of posts, only 20. Thanks for the clarification, I got a huge case of the TL;DR’s when I visited the 290 Practo Box Guide thread looking for the same answer a while ago.

That’s what the “Search” function is for, not really a TLDR issue, more like a CBA…