Tree of Savior Forum

290 Practo Box Guide [Recipe Found]

Dang, does it mean that considering I’m already lv.318 now it’ll be impossible for me to trigger this?

Just to add, that’s from klai server

Nono, you just need to kill monsters around the murmillo master (Enceinte map) without armor. Then the quest triggers.

But after that, yes. You will need to go to a high level map to kill monsters. I was 322 when i was on this quest so i went to the maps around Alembique Cave

Also, Elite seems “easier” to do. Because it will allow them to be 5 levels below.

Edit: more info.

I went to

at level 322 and killed

1 was enough

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Oh, sorry I misinterpreted it. Thanks for clarifying! :slight_smile: Thanks for starting this guide!

Wolf man, a little side note. Absidium ore quests are lv290, so they unlock as soon as you hit lv 280. K thx bye.

For the sword pelt, hexing (curse) will keep it from regening as well if you dont have enough multi-hit ^^

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Thank you :D. Gonna add it as a tip quote

You also receive Collection: Pasleptas (+5 Earth Res, +5 STR) as a reward for this quest. Strangely the items for this collection are quest items from lower lvl quests: The Inmates’ Secret Spots (Ashaq Undergrund), Peace in the Forest (Letas Stream), Best of the Best (Delmore Ouskirts).

I faced the same issues i parked my char at that area. Everyone else can see the spirits but my char can’t see. Frustrating npc.


for downtown, npc appeared 11:20pm game time

do monster from saalus, mission count?

Yes, I completed Competitive to the Extreme with Crystal Mine mission.

downtown npc on [EU]Fedimian at 10:00am

[Telsiai] 10:30 am confirmed. Actually, I met an npc on 10:28 am.

Confirmed 10:30am silute

For the 2nd part of the murmilIio quest, just went and q’ed in the merc post, theres a high likely hood you will match and the monsters and bosses will fit the bill for lvl range. ^^

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i can confirm downtown npc on [EU]Fedimian at 10:00am

Is it just me, or does this practonium quest seems like a way to incentive people to do any and all questlines?

Holy crap took me more than 5 tries to complete this quest:

I seem to always run out of time.

What made repeating (if you fail) this quest annoying is that it’s not that easy to get inside that secret section of the Guards Graveyard map as you have to collect souls and bring them to the statue one-by-one (5 times I think is needed) just so the portal allows you in.

Might be easier if you’re doing this in parties. Solo, especially on non-peak hours, you’re pretty much on your own.


You can just kill 10 random mobs. You get 10 souls and the portal lets you in. Still, it’s quite tedious, we feel you.

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