Tree of Savior Forum

2000 votes 60% says no!

I think 60% will become 80% in future. Just think about it, who’re those 2k ppl? Only huge funs watching for updates everyday. It’s only 16th, announce just posted. Wait for a few weeks when majority will know. 60% of huge funs decided not to buy.

The poll’s number doesn’t represent the whole player base, and on the other hand, the number you presented, 150,000 players (I remember 125,000), actually represents all the hype they created for iCBT2. Hype that had yet to have been smashed by the absolute bedlam that occurred at launch. Hype that had yet to have been dashed by the terrible balancing. Hype that had yet to have been stopped by terrible communication by IMC’s staff. Hype that had yet to be have been smashed by this statement.

This poll is only really being answered by the people who have stayed despite these things, hopeful that the word “beta” meant the game would be better down the line. The poll is NOT being answered by the people who have:

  • forgotten the game exists
  • not liked what they saw in iCBT #1 and #2
  • not connected to the internet today
  • walked away from ToS between iCBT2 and today
  • refused to deal with IMC’s passive aggression when it comes to communication

To say it represents the 125,000 to 150,000 that signed up is an exaggeration. If it has somehow been voted on by 100% of able participants, it means IMC has lost a lot of people if only 2000 people have voted on the poll.

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You have reason bro, hugh me cause today is a sad, i was refreshing the web page all the days when they put “OPEN BETA COMING SOON” “FREE TO PLAY” for 50€ i can play almost 4-5 months FFOnline this game is better than this x999999 and almost 14,95 month decent price.
They should down to 10-20€ Founder Pack Price. or almost sell separated months, like 15€ 1 month in this time i can get money back to pay another but 50€ from 1 shot is like there is 0 chance ._.

You’ve got to give them credit tho… cause if things are as you say… it’s not easy to lose 124.000 players on 125.000 before the game even launched… i think IMC could go for the world record


I’m not even sure if it was 125k or 150k like s/he said, but I remember 125k. I’d change it but it’s kinda too late once people have replied using my figures.

I wanna be optimistic and say it was 150k, that’ll make their record even more impressive :slight_smile:

The majority of those 125k people most likely dont bother with the forums and dont refresh the Announcement page every 0.5 seconds.

Im one of those who forgot all about it between iCTB#2 and about 2 weeks ago because real life stuff. i came back here less than a week before Open Beta was first announced and i decided i wanted this game to be fun so im stalking forums for hours a day now. not something “most people” are willing to do.

It may have been 125k, I just skimmed through some past posts discussing iCBT2 and the number 150k came up - I sounded familiar so I didn’t look to much into where that number came from.

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Instead of posting this, why not make suggestion to improve the founder pack? I dont think they will change their mind and make it f2p on 22 mac, as there is still many people will buy it. Better make suggestion lower its price or f2p access more earlier.

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The only possible way i personally think this mess can be solved is by:

  • public apology to player by IMC
  • reduce the 3 months to a minimum of 3 days maximum of 1 month

But i don’t think there’s a way in hell this will happen.

Well maybe the second one yes, but the apology? no way… and player will keep be pissed at IMC because of pride… they should know better ^^

The moment they take player money, they can’t go back. IMC has really dug themselves into a hole. I don’t know how and if they can fix this.

implying IMC listens. How many changes have they actually listened to us for? I don’t even remember a single time, to be honest. Maybe the time the Brazillians were annexed onto their own server, but that was hardly a good example of excellent PR.

Well, i do feel 3 months is too much, id rather wait another 1-2 and pay a less for it

More involvement towards the community other than the announcements, they could learn alot from Blizzard’s CMs keeping people up to date as much as they can about as much as they can, the only things ive heard them say on the forums here were answers to questions that could have been found with a little research.

Whwew, its getting late cant make whole sentences anymore. See you guys tomorow~

IMC does not need a to do a public apology. It hasn’t even made a dime off any of you. It owes you NOTHING.

The reason for 3 month access is not so much for PREMIUM ACCESS it’s more cuz the game is broken and they neeed time to fix it.

Also 1k paying vs 1.6k not paying isn’t bad at all.

So they’re going to take $50.00 USD from players and deliver them a broken game? Yeah, I think they’re going to need more than apology once this goes live, if that’s how it’s going to go down. Refunds too, I imagine.

That is way it’s called open BETA… good grief man, beta are supposed to be a lil “broken”.

second thing they DO need to apologize… they pissed in the face of all the players here, broken promises, tried scamming… oh yeah they owe me respect if not at all as a human beeing and as i feel this way so do thousands of other people that probably won’t ever give IMC a single cent untile IMC itself realise the big mistake it’s done by trating people that loved ToS this way and lower their heads and be sorry for it.

You say broken, but you got no clue what’s changed since iCBT#2, you cant say its still “broken” alot has hapened since and the kToS prob taught them alot.

When shooting down another person’s argument with “facts” it’s best not to say ‘probably’.

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I didn’t say broken. I was referencing the post I replied to. I have no idea how the game is going to play. I haven’t played since the iCBT. However, if they’re going to charge $50.00 USD and if things are going to be janky, I’m sure some Founders are going to be a little miffed. It’s $50 after all.

I still think that the main issue here is that the ToS playerbase was very dedicated… at a point that if only IMC would just communicate and ask for stuff if not everyone at least a LOT of people were ready to open wollet and donate what they could in order to make this game the game it was meant to be.

Now all the love has turned into rage because instead of asking… they literally tried sick marketing to force people support.

And the stupid and funny part of this is… they didn’t need to! They just had to ask everyone for support and i’m sure they would have received it.