Tree of Savior Forum

2000 votes 60% says no!

if we were asked about this founder things I believe IMC would get 90%+ response of “no”. IF we were asked.

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I’ll probably change it depending on how the community goes from here. as much as I want to see it alive. I just don’t like how payers and non-payers are being hypocrite towards one another.

I don’t agree with this… in fact i think that IF they actually asked the players about the founder pack and worked with the players to make it a good founder pack… almost all of the player registered in the forum would have agreed in doing it in order to support ToS.

I still think the only reason this is working out as bad as it is is because IMC backstabbed the players instead of talking with them and it’s not about money.

Directly i dont know why this people is fuking the players dreams, the 85% of this guys is from 14 to 25 years old, what mean some of them cant affort this 50€/$ its too much money and in my case im whitout work so i cant affort this.
60% is enough to destroy a server, what happened with Inspirit Online or games like that, GW B2P and P2W now F2P and losing the 40% of comunity cause extremist game. happens the same with FF and games like that way you are just saying to pays us and some of us still dont test the game, what if i pay 50€ and i dont like the game at the end? so.
You should reconsiderate this, better non play that play a empty server ^^ gl finding help with just 1k player and probably some servers.

yeah I forgot about that, but the existence of the guild “founder” might creep it’s way into the open server later. it should not exist anywhere or else those Founder that switch server might create it again in the open server and further fragment the community inside the server might even create racism and hate based only on this ridiculous founder farce.

is the smartest stuff I’ve read from someone without icon today. It’s so easy to reason whatever IMC is doing when you just think about it.

I do hope this founder farce ends as fast as possible or it might actually create racism and hate to one another based only on founder or not.

this has actually happened in games. I certainly hope ToS don’t fell the same hole.

actually i just started playing Tera and its pretty cool =)

It actually won’t be an issue since I will be playing with 4 of my friends, one of the reasons I will be playing this game, and I don’t really reach out to other players. Plus, the poll isn’t about who is leaving or who is staying. It’s about who is willing to pay now and who is potentially going to wait for the free release.

when I think about it again that’s true if they asked us, we would certainly help “donate” 50$ even if we don’t get any benefit from it.


I guess we’ll see how things turn out in the next week, but if people really want IMC to rethink their decision, they need more than name-calling and “nokthxbai” on the forums. Organise yourselves, make a petition, hell, id sign it. This poll is a step in the right direction.

IMC arent new to the market, they’re not idiots (atleast i hope so) im sure they knew there was a risk in doing what they did, and im sure theres a very good reason demanding such risk. Games arent made for free, and F2P games dont make steady income , if they’re running low on whatever budget they were allowed and find themselves in a position of having to get money somehow or having to reduce / cut things/employees (in turn making the game worse).

Who knows? you dont know, I dont know.

This is pure speculation, whatever ends up being their decision, good or bad, ill try to do my part in helping

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Why would people spend 60$ for a sucky game like Call of Duty and are too stingy to support a game you love? If i can have 3 month’s of fun for just 50$ it’s worth my money.

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Wow. 40% buy in is an excellent figure. I wish I could get 40% of my clientele to agree on anything.


it will be like SAO and the beta players but instead tree of savior and the founded players


I played tera too once but my friends who were outside of the country got IP banned by En Masse, it’s so sad and the game is no longer fun without my friends there. :<

laughed so hard on this.

this is a longterm game, it’s MMORPG it thrives on the time spent and amount of money dished out by the community. it’s not 1 time off thing. it’s very different.

i’m so happy to see that you’ve opened your mind and wanted to help the community, not the rager not the trolls not the whiners.

but the community itself. this game is as good as nothing if it has a bad community, i’m glad to see you trying to work with me on saving it.

huge chunk of community is unhappy, the number of active players will just go down instead of increasing. dead game after couple months because of this.

Finally a decent person who think correctly, IMC dont care about what we are saying they just need to see the fear, of the Game Down/Server Off, go to play Metin 2 the 3 fuking months.

Example: For example if game was F2P and we was going to get the OB i probably will pay 20-25€ so they lose this way
having 33,95€ at moment, give me free founder key IMC ^^