Tree of Savior Forum

2000 votes 60% says no!

‘‘Getting 40% of the population to join early access for $50 is a huge success’’ Not even near, archeage was a succes but they dropped the game on bugs so it failed, alot of people lost their initial hype, because of the time that they needed to repair these bugs and exploits… So time tells alot if a game is going to be a huge success or not.
And if you see we from South America are going to take a ip block from Black Desert, and with the time maybe we are going to be the biggest community on this game…

And here goes the people complaining about a F2P game being “not F2P from the start”

1st - the game Will be free after it’s official release
2nd - various bug fixes - character “balancing” etc won’t affect those who are not willing to pay aka - you are updated on character changes before the game really starts
3rd they start with a “founders server” and already mention to create new server as soon as ToS releases - so if you really hate those people who payed for the game and if it hurts your own ego to have max level players on a server - simply join the new fresh start ones
4th they have to make money somehow - those who are willing to pay for the game and get some customes or w/e and are willing to support the game WILL buy an early access - as you can see you already get some of this “item mall currency” too
5th dont even consider laughing at or even bashing those paying players or IMC - IMC has to make money - paying players are making sure that ToS got a future and updates coming smoothly to our server - those none paying players still get it for free - you get your free access on june be happy about it cause you dont spend a dime.


this is actually spot on, I do have the money, I just don’t want to buy it because I think it’s unfair and it isn’t what the community wants.

I want this game to feel like going home when playing it, but I guess even in our own home there will be discrimination toward those who don’t have money based on ToS logic :<

Let’s wait and see how many people are playing in June-July. Time will tell.

quote from my other post.

"I mean let’s do simple logic here.
IMC are selling early access which means they will be in game way before non founder would. they will level first, get item first, beat bosses first. be the first in everything. that is what IMC is selling.

but if you think about if early access was for everyone, then every player will race on their own to the top, effectively buying cash shop things to help them get faster level etc. it would make way more profit for IMC.

I question why the founder pack even exist in the first place, it’s certainly not worth pissing off the community.

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As much as I want to be the person paying $50 for the devs.
-Game is not finished
-Ridiculous headstart
-Huge sign of P2W

Those are just some of my worries. I’ve been hyped just as the next person but, what they’re doing right now is a HUGE mistake. They either want to grab as much cash as much as possible and dont care about game’s future or just stupid.
IMC please learn from your mistake, im hoping for the best for this game.
Even though I can pay, I WILL NOT PAY FOR THE HEADSTART I do not approve this kind of advantage and I will see you boys on JUNE if the game is still alive


i would pay 20$ to help the game but what if the population is low LoL i dont want to wait for hours just to do dungeons and boss party specially my class would be a support one so i think 3 months is too much i voted no

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even if you guys don’t agree with my initial post, just look at the comment section, how fragmented we are as a community now.

why does this founder pack even exist, it makes a huge rift between those who are founders and those who aren’t. MMORPG thrives on community. who do they do this :<

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I clearly stated earlier that I realize the poll is not representative of the entire ToS player base, but the OP is claiming 60% of players not wanting to join early access in the first month is bad for IMC - which I think is wrong. I think that % is actually quite good for early access.

40¨%? hahahhahahhahha

Assuming it isn’t skewed by bots already.

I can imagine how you feel, from playing ragnarok I know that support classes don’t work with too much difference in level. if only IMC understand that this isn’t what the community wants :<

what if the game had a monthly subscription - you would still not play it and wait 2-3 years for it to be f2p simply cause its “unfair to those who cant afford a monthly subscription” come on really? you should apply as the next pope

$60k won’t even cover their bills for 3 months I bet.

It’s fascinating to see the very same people over and over posting the same stupid stuff over and over again. I can only assume the rage within you totally fogged your rational thinking in a way, being unable to actually reflect what you just posted.

Im not adressing anyone directly!


if it’s a monthly sub that everyone needs to pay I would gladly pay.

I mean why not? the game is sub based of course I would have to pay to play it.

but this? this is very different, we were promised otherwise. please don’t close your eyes and deny the truth. you know that this is bad for the community why are you defending them?

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plus might add that IMC and some of the community done hell to bring the game to us that fast and making sure that we even get a international release - be happy and proud of IMC and show some love and support!

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Better have 40% paying customers than 100% freeloaders.

If someone is going to bring you a beer for free, and after 30 minutes waiting he comes and ask for 30$. Are you going to pay him?

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Welcome to the forums… 2 days in an insulting other members and whinning. GG… I’m glad you won’t play with founders and elminating people like you from the early access is what makes this founder pack even more worths. :slight_smile: