Tree of Savior Forum

2000 votes 60% says no!

Yup, see you there!

PS: Muahahahaha²

The problem with this is that they’re sacrificing more then half the playerbase in order to have some early income.

That means that the FUTURE of the game is already doomed before the start since in the long run there’ll be no more income.

If, by any chance the players not willing to pay for this get over 70%, considering it’s mostly due to rage against IMC behavior, that’ll probably means at least 50% of those players will give up the game for good… good luck with that.

As my economy teacher in high school used to say the best way of advertisment is from your customer’s talking to other people… in this case then they’re not only going to lose that 50%, but a TON of other potential players that that 50% will make sure won’t play due to talking on how bad a company IMC is.

See the point?

There’s no way the game will survive in the long run if they keep it this way… drastic countermisures should really be applied.

My guess would be that the situation would calm down if:

  • pubblic apologies from IMC about their behavior to the players
  • reduce the 3 months headstart time to a 3days (like most other games) minimum to a 2 weeks maximum.
  • radical change of public relation staff by firing the current one (if it even exist) and hiring someone actually willing to communicate with the players.

Remember this:

ESO was crap in the beginning… then they listened to the playerbase and it got to the point of beeing best mmo in 2015.

FFIV same thing.

All the games that actually listen to the playerbase suddently start to get better… the ones that don’t are kind of doomed and it’s really easy to see.

So well… stuff got to change


40% is going to buy but not even near that 40% approve what IMC did.

BINGOOO! As soon as I saw the poll results, I literally went: “Wait, doesn’t this guy want them not to make the Founders beta? They’ll see that 40% and be motivated even further.”

A theoretical 60k is a net loss. And I say theoretical because strawpoll doesn’t have any limitations on voting. It’s a worthless measure of anything.

If they actually have a brain to think they’ll realise how BAD the situation is for them since that 60k won’t be profit at all, it’ll be a little expense coverage they obtain in return for burning away every chance to actually make profit in the long run by destroying more then 50% of the playerbase/potential clients

to be honest I think it’s not, this is an MMORPG we are talking about.

they basically thrive on the amount of the community.

you know… in school… 40% was an F-
now apparently an F is enough to run a business.


And if you think better it’s not going to affect only tree of savior, it’s going to influence future games from IMC.


Totally agreed on this point

oh yeah I forgot about the tags, thanks.

!00% of the players for early access? I don’t think so. Not unless early access was free.

That poll is for the 3 month access to the Founder’s server alone.
Getting 40% of the population to join early access for $50 is a huge success. I doubt they thought that many people would support it (I certianly didn’t).

The 60% who answered ‘No’ may still buy the next package, or play once it is free and buy from the cash shop.


an extremely nice quote I was like “oooooooooooooooooooo” here in my home.

wonder how many people that didn’t even bother voting for the other payment options arent available

I’m betting a good portion of the remaining 60% end up playing at some point in the later months despite not buying a Founders Pack.


You are basing this on the assumption that 3k~ people is the entire player base of Tree of Savior… why?

what are you talking about, yes I am saying that if the early access was free it might have been 100% of the community who started playing it, and if it was then the chances and the amount of money they will get from cash shop will sky rocket.

I mean let’s do simple logic here.
IMC are selling early access which means they will be in game way before non founder would. they will level first, get item first, beat bosses first. be the first in everything. that is what IMC is selling.

but if you think about if early access was for everyone, then every player will race on their own to the top, effectively buying cash shop things to help them get faster level etc. it would make way more profit for IMC.

come on please don’t tell me this isn’t a valid point. I know you’re smart, you’re in this community after all.

no only about 8%, 22% will still be pissed. th other 30% will have forgotten

You’ll wrong about that for 1 reason… thei’re not voting “no” because they don’t have the money or don’t want to buy the pack for gaming purpose… i’m betting at least 90% of that voting no audience actually won’t be buying towards rage at IMC way of doing things.

That means that even when the game gets to F2P only a VERY SMALL PORTION of those people will go back to the game AND, even if they do, they won’t be spending any kind of money in it just thanks to the way IMC acted until now.

I know a lot of people that are going to buy the founder pack and don’t really care about the drama that is going on in the forums. So this is not a true statistic of the people who want to buy the founder pack.