Tree of Savior Forum

2 players using obviously exploited gear

Holy hell this is terrifying. How can we distinguish apart from legit +15 weapons (one’s upgraded with golden anvils) and fake ones? I understand the cafrisun and other armor sets are a bit obvious but what if hackers just exploit to the minimum to pretend they got the equips legitly.


if they fix it we won’t have any problem, and they should perma ban, ban for good, IP BAN, monther ban, those fckers

if they do that 6.000 TP sht is only going to help these fckers

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Sad but true.

Before anyone tries to argue otherwise, there’s no way these upgrades are legit. Even assuming you have an infinite amount of gear and silver to do it on, it would take an insane amount of time to +60 something. Even assuming you always make it to +7 somehow, you then have to succeed a 51% chance 53 times, which is about a 3.17 * 10^-14 % chance to get it in one try. To put into perspective, that’s still less than one-in-a-quadrillion (1 * 10^-13 %) chance.

rip their accounts xd

thanks for spending money on the game Euphie and Raizon

it was all for nothing :wink:

inb4 “We are aware of the issue and are working hastily to resolve it!” cue 6 months later, no bans, players still running around with +50 gear.

Well, lets see how many exploiters gets away removing their exploited gears.

No loss for them anyway, i bet they made alot of big incomes with their cheat-gears anyway.

please, ban these fuckers, ty.

wel after seems this Im Out too… which is really sad because silute server is already death. with less 1000 people playing at peak time.


Just wanted to add my log to the fire.

Gather your pitchforks and march!

@GM_Francis @STAFF_John @STAFF_Max @STAFF_Ethan
Please do something about this…

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Why are they not banned yet? You can’t seriously be this slow IMC. This should have been taken care of within minutes.

Well well well, lookie what we got here. I dont even need to bump older hax sploit posts, we have fresh meat.

200% legit.

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Poeple request IMC to ban these 2 poeple because they used exploit in a very obvious way and not because they just used exploit.

A fair things will be to ban all the poeple that used exploit even for less than 15 weapons to not make it obvious. Because even that is still tcheating.

I will laught so hard if something like this happen. We will see some poeple requesting these 2 players in question to be ban get also themselves a ban ^^.

… Maybe somone should ask to fix this exploit and remove the upgrade for all theses weapon or even exploited weapons.

IMC really don’t have any way of finding tcheaters exept by asking players to completes theirs bounties ? That’s quite alarming.

So exploit is okay as long no one sell you ?

I see what you’re trying to do here but please don’t try to defend them, I want to continue to think highly of you :slight_smile:

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+50 gear? What’s the math for that? xD Do they get a steam ban to?

I get there are probably a few players that are wealthy and have tossed thousands of dollars at ToS for Tokens to sell… But this seems completely outside the realm of possibility! lol

So this still hasn’t been addressed…huh. That’s it for me then I guess.