Tree of Savior Forum

2 Days Into Event, Battle Bracelets Still 12 Million, Hey IMC, Cap The Price

We know you can cap the prices of items sold on the market b/c you have done it multiple times with hair costume accessories. We applaud the temporary Band-Aid attempt of placing Battle Bracelets into the new event cubes but with the shear amount of garbage you packed into the cubes and the greed of the average player coupled with the massive RMT presence nothing has changed. Battle Bracelets are still 11-12 million each on Klaipeda and Tenet Church is still an bottomless pit of human and bot filth.

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Welp, glad I got my pairs of glad and sissels before this happened :smiley:


its already below 8m in tels tho?

best bracelet of the game, 10kk this cheap …

I have them its not an issue of jealousy, its just absolutely absurd for the newer players and it does hurt everyone. For one it completely decimates Tenet Church, it ruins an exp and questing map for everyone playing and it further hinders older players in Saalus Runs and other dungeons when you get the dps wearing a Zacahriel Bangle and a Barakas Bracelet at lv200+ b/c they cant afford 8-12mil for an BB, let alone x2.
IMC needs to take actual steps to address this, the event hasnt event dented the market price. Myself, after running an metric crap ton of the new missions on several characters I haven’t seen an BB either, just random trash, not even talt, blue dumaro claws and karakas fragments.

Glad I got a pair of crafted Sissel for 7m each in Fedi like 2 weeks ago. Unfortunately, you should understand that the market is largely controlled by players not publisher itself. The law of supply and demand, speculation will play an important role in this matter.

Tbh, IMC could have solved this problem by including the Battle Bracelet as a dungeon cube drop than field drop. Except communication between iTOS and IMC has always been horrendous. It has been months since this idea was proposed by players and we haven’t seen any answer.

Arent those battle bracelets the ones that havent been taken off the market yet?
I saw some at 6 mil this morning, should have taken a screenshot.

Yes I don’t disagree with any of your points BUT IMC can easily with the push of a few keys hardcap the market price max limit for the item, they have done it several times with other items.
You cant expect IMC to change anything code wise b/c they are so far past incompetent, the market limit cap is something they could actually do without adding 6 new bugs and putting the server through several emergency maintenances like when they try to change anything else.

How many BB have dropped from this event? And theres like 20+ days for this event.

Unless BB are just falling from the sky now, I wouldnt expect any change in the price on the AH. Those BBs are probably all controlled by AH barons anyways.

That’s my point, many players have gotten an BB already from 1 of their Halloween cubes and the prices still haven’t budged, they were added to the cubes to combat this absurd price manipulation and nothing is happening.
Sure there 20 days or so to the event but when the price literally hasn’t changed 2 full days in they need to re-evaluate their thinking. MANY players even 20 days in will have not received an Battle Bracelet via the event cubes, theres just way too much random crap in them.

(and the whole, I got mine so fk everyone else mentality is also a large factor why new players run from this game like a burning building, whatever % IMC doesn’t traumatize we do)

While I would like to see a price drop too, I dont have one. So IDK what your rant at the end is about.

How do you know this. Can you tell me with accuracy what percentage of the playerbase has the BB. OR can you tell me accurately what the # of BB dropped from this cube. [quote=“jchsc32, post:10, topic:333975”]
they were added to the cubes to combat this absurd price manipulation and nothing is happening.

Are you certain about this even?

What? (insert jackie chan what meme)

Im pretty sure that’s on purpose.

I get you want some hard cap on it, but it seems you are just conjuring your argument up. Needs more verifiable/grounded information or backing. (Im sure most people would like to see that price drop including me, but this is a prime whihueknight attempt at backing a change)

@jchsc32: I prefer the publisher keep their hands off the game market. Tbh, this game has the best market I have ever seen. The price doesn’t inflate much. I still remember how much I have to resort to botting in iRO 2 years ago just to get enough zeny to gear my main alt.

BB price dropped from 12m to 7m on Varena in 2 days though. But yeah the price limit should be removed. Now with the report function in market, the highest and lowest price limits are obsolete.

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Actually you can make the first move to reduce BB price in the market, by giving us screencap of you selling your BB at minimum price to help new player.
Or trade it with small amount of talts to some player who really need it as crafting material.
It is much better than complaining IMC in the name of equity to new player, but you yourself still hold onto your BB as future investment.

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He is asking to cap the price on the BB, not remove anything…

IDK anymore.

Yeah. My main is lvl 208 and I’m wearing exactly a zakariel bangle and the bearkaras one, and thank god I’m an alchemist so I can awaken my shitty equip so it’s somewhat passable.

Everything is extremely expensive and I can’t ever afford anything good. It’s really hard to progress and get on a level playing field with people that already have everything. With low populations silver snowballs hard as well, people that have everything can sell needed items at very high prices, which in turn makes them even better. Not to mention those that earn lots of tp with gvg. So yeah there seems to be a mentality of ‘I have my good stuff ■■■■ you peasant’ with some people. Thankfully others have been nice as well, and I just play solo and only pve leveling at my own pace and getting by surviving via potions.

I know I could start farming silver if I really really wanted something, but the idea of best case scenario 1M an hour of no-fun-allowed play is appalling, even more so when I know 1M won’t do anything if I need 10 for a bracelet, hundreds for attributes etc.

IDK if OP is one of them, but many on this forum really wont take your considerations seriously unless you have at least 2k hrs played in this game.

So 2k hrs x 1 mil, you’ll be fine.
Heres one of their usual threads.

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BB’s closing to 7m in telsiai now.

Ya whatever, anytime you propose anything on the forums the trolls just grab their pitchforks;
“Quick, get the pitchforks and torches”
“Why whats going on?”
“Idk but theres a new thread, quick, hit it with that brick”
“Its still moving what do we do now?”
“Try pooping on it”