Tree of Savior Forum

19/05 BIG UPDATE // [kTOS] New costumes and cosmetics (warning - a lot of pictures!)

They should make those clothes global :frowning:

I mean, i want them all, but i can only afford two :frowning:

It should be wereable by all classes and a bit more expensive (if needed for incoming reasons) :<



does anyone know if wizard c3 costume has any special effects like other c3 costumes do?

It should. All of them are suppose to.

Other C3 costumes have special effect ?

Swordman C3 costume & new hairstyle
(bad quality :<)

Lens and haircolor~


It’s all kinda ugly but whatever, Just waiting on skin colors now.

that will never happen, I hope.

Oh my God C3 Swordie is gorgeous. Too bad C3 Swordie just doesn’t fit my game play. Q_Q

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For some reason i feel Swordie C3 costume would fit better on corsair, but dam i love it

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No new costumes? :confused:


Maid costume and butler costume (for clerics), bunny costume (for wizards), raccoon costume (for archers). What else?

and how about investigation and punishment for those who using bug enhance etc?

anybody knows about the values of c2 necro, health increase from skelletons and dmg from corpse tower?

Is that for Cleric or Wizz?

Cleric c:

Is that one coming up dude?

It says “Equipment Merchant Jura Costume (Female)”

costume RENTALS??

Do they think people really care about these costumes to pay money to just rent them out for a while?

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Grita looks Cleric-like but actually it is a Wizard costume. :x

@dwojunkmail Rentals were for silver and later they added permanent versions to cash shop too on KTOS and they were cheaper than normal costumes as I know…but maybe we only get it in the cash shop and won’t be cheaper here(?) We will see…

awesome, wizards get Grita and Bunny costumes.