Tree of Savior Forum

150 characters to shout. Not solved problem to gold sellers

“Shout messages will be limited to 150 characters max.”

I feel that 300 characters max is more reasonable BUT with a delay of around 30 seconds or more each message. There could even be a rule of not saying the same previous message. The limit on characters is good as it doesn’t fill the entire shout box but once the bots start shortening their messages it wont fix the core problem which is massive lag during their ■■■■ storm spam messaging. In my opinion, if there is any level limit to being able to shout in chat, it should be around 20. If you combine all three of these things, you will see much less gold selling bot spam.

The only problem that remains after that would be if the bots start whispering. And that’s a huge nuisance.

I tend to agree with a lvl restriction on megaphones. I mean it’s not like you need to advertise awesome drops or loot at low lvl anyway. if you wanna chat just go Klapeida channel 1 near the statue and go chat there >.<

I would also suggest adding to the forbbiden word list the big sites of the gold sellers too. It would be very diificult for them to change their site name because they are ‘big’ and sell gold for many games. They wouldn’t change their site address just for ToS.

But level requeriment is also a good solution, but not too high. +20lvl ou +30lvl would be enough.

And there are. Selling Gold with megaphones to 150 characters all the time. … gold sellers will pay commission IMCgames …?? ¬¬