Tree of Savior Forum

[10/8/2015] Latest Korean Patch Notes via reddit

decrease the bonus of critical attack rate percentage?

Nice , lets all play the op monk and nerf barbs

Should be expensive as ■■■■.

i can see that they are going in the right direction with the balance
be patient guys these things need a lot of work and thought to be done right !

next patch i would love to see some fixes on the monsters and bosses
like maybe make the bosses spawn less traps and do more skills :kissing_heart:

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Honestly I don’t understand all the hate towards barbs … ok it was a little bit too much but come on they weren’t the best at boss hunting (compared to all the other classes in C3) and clearly bad to mediocre in PVP. Their grind was really good but hunt and maybe linkers were grinding at the same level or even better than them.

Imho people that keep crying for nerfs should stop minding other people’s classes and try to enjoy the game more instead of trying to ruin the experience of people having fun with these classes … that’s really sad …


@Happy911 You’re clearly biaised, I can tell you were playing barb based on your post. You are complaining about people complaining about nerfs, but I doubt you would say anything if they didnt concern barbs.

Thats very weird nerf because Monk can hit 3k or more with double punch that only consume 2 stamine per hit and it has not even a cooldown…

Unfortunately them nerfs to barb also severely hurt corsair.

I played ranger and cryo on the beta, and I was swordsman C2 as my third char, but whatever you say. I really dislike in a general way the nerf politic and I don’t see how my argument is biased since I provided clear facts that barbs were not the king at anything in the game but, yeah w/e I might be biased…

Gotta love the monk buffs. :3

Linker got nerfed T_T
Joint Penalty is prob gonna get half the targets now :sob:

Err… So they are making it so pretty much armour attributes dont do anything for Clerics? That’s stupid. Removing the gear part of the game for a class… really unhappy with that one.


I agree. Unless there are separate armor attributes for the other classes, wouldn’t that make monks/paladins much squishier than they have to be?

I’m also still hoping they will be changing the balance of Flare vs skills igniting mobs. Currenly Flare is pretty much useless because Fire Ball just kills everything before it puts anything on fire.

It’s you >.>

You’re a meanie.

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Wut wut wut :anguished:

You kept blocking me from clicking Mango,but I prevailed!

Huehue, i don’t know what are u talking about, i’m a good bear, i won’t do such a bad think like that :yum:

Mango? Was that your companion’s name?

She mean Mango the GM haha.

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As someone that wanted to go paladin, I too am very confused by this. Monk does so much more DPS than paladin already… Why does smite need to be nerfed so much?

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