Tree of Savior Forum

👍 [Discussion] Swordsman Builds General Discussion 👍

Otherwise with just cata you’d have to swap between 2h spear and not-spear / shield-dagger to taunt, and you’d lose finestra whenever you wanted to taunt.

  • You pertaining to a diff build right? Coz you can use finestra with 1h spear

Yeah what I did didn’t make sense there lol. How would you have finestra and not be able to use 1h spears. Whoops.

I like Peltasta Catas, and they’re pretty useful in parties. Being able to block also gives you an option vs knockdown spamming enemies/bosses ( when pain barrier is down ) or in PvP when a musketeer is about to snipe, for example.

Is it worth to take level 5 Finestra?
50 crit rate, 10% block, 3 AoE ratio are good for late game?

Yes, especially the last two.

Magic will always hit, its a strong buff against magic users

If you watch, at 37 seconds in the Cata accidentally picks up the Necros Corpse Tower with Impale.

Does Impale (and likely Telekinesis) work on other player created objects? I plan on testing this next beta…particularly on Guild Towers, DeivDerby Statues, Sapper traps, etc…

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Which would you say is stronger?

Naruto, the Pirate King… That has a nice ring to it. :grin:

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Ahaha! Yes I was very drawn to mix the pirate and ninja worlds :smile_cat:

I’m thinking on go with this build:

and doing 2-2-1 str-con-dex, this might work?

Man, what are you even doing.

  • Can probably lower Pain Barrier a bit and relocate to Gun Ho.
  • 1 point in Guardian.
  • Shield Lob is garbage.
  • High Guard only needed for full tanks, otherwise, garbage.
  • Not maxing Swashbuckling?
  • Get rid of Pelta C2 entirely for this build, use Hop C3 instead.
  • Get rid of that 1 point in Synchro Thrusting, relocate it to Stabbing.
  • If Hop C3, forget Stabbing alltogether, max Spear Throw instead, the rest dump into Stabbing.
  • If you put only 1 point in Mord, better not touch it at all.
  • Don’t max DPE, 1-2 points is enough.
  • Get DOV to at least 5.
  • If you have Spear Throw, don’t touch Gae Bulg, max Dragon Soar instead.

Stats - 4:2:1, something like that.

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O_o how do you know how it’s coded?

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Really thanks, for the advices! =)

Does using swashbuckling dismount you? Wanted to get it for my cataphract build.


Hello, if possible could I get some constructive feedback on a few of my builds? :open_mouth:

First one: Shinboi 2H Sword (Not the dual wielding Spear one everyone knows about)

Second one: For my Templar, I was wondering which one of the two would be more effective for PvE purposes, for DPS/Tank wise.

Much appreciated :slight_smile: