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👍 [Discussion] Swordsman Builds General Discussion 👍

Oh dam that’s a clever combo! Didn’t realize GB caused a 15% debuff…that’s pretty dam solid. So then Cata3, Dragon 1 with either Highlander 2 or Highlander1/petalista 1.

Here’s the warrior I was planning to make. It’s focus is to defend effectively as well as attack effectively in dungeon parties.

Weapon: One-handed spear + Shield
Stat build: 1 Str, 1 Con, 3 Dex

C1 Swordsman:
Skipping Concentrate because it won’t help a C1 swordie at all.
Pain Barrier prevents Stabbing and other skills from being interrupted.

C1 Peltasta:
The defense gained from Guardian is minuscule as a C1 Pelt, but the Evasion auxiliary will make it worth 1 point.

C1 Hoplite:
Obvious enough.

C2 Hoplite:
Long stride kind of sucks, but 1 point couldn’t hurt. It’s a whole other AOE after all. It also has knockback.
Spear Lunge’s damage sucks, but it’s a good utility skill for bosses so only 1 point should be needed.

C3 Hoplite:
Spear Throw is an AOE with 0 cd. Not the best for DPSing, but it casts bind status (makes the opponent miss physical attacks?) so it only needs 1 point.

C1 Doppelsoeldner:
I haven’t played this class yet. The bread and butters are going to be Cyclone and Deeds of Valor.

C1 Dragoon or C2 Doppelsoeldner:
I have yet to decide which of the 2 I’m going to pick here. Dragoon would give more attack skills, but Doppelsoeldner would give more points for Cyclone and Deeds of Valor.

For tanking: use Guardian + Deeds of Valor, gather mobs, use Swashbuckling, use Pain Barrier, attack with Stabbing while allowing Deeds of Valor to stack by receiving damage (not sure if blocked damage and dodges/misses work), use Finestra, attack with Cyclone twice, kill any remaining mobs conventionally (Throwing Spear Spam/Pelt Skills/etc).

For DPSing: use Gung Ho + Finestra, attack with Throwing Spear Spam/Pain Barrier + Stabbing/Pierce/Cyclone/etc.

For Bosses: use Gung Ho + Finestra, attack with Spear Lunge + Stabbing/Pierce/and all other pierce attacks.

High crit and block rate during Finestra due to added Con and Dex stats.
High evasion when Guardian is active. (It’s usually sacrificed for Gung Ho instead, though.)
High damage against bosses.
Good mix between focused attacks and AOE attacks for mob control. (Not killing so much.)
Can use C to block.
Focused DPS/Throwing Spear Spam/“Swashblocking” grants much protection to party members.

When tanking, Gung Ho is sacrificed when Guardian is active.
Guardian’s evasion increase (and evasion in general) is heavily sacrificed when Finestra is active.
No real protection from magic attacks at all.
Not very good at surviving solo. This build relies on it’s own DPS as well as the DPS of an entire party.

Hello everyone!
Which build do you think it’s more powerful for PvE? :confused:

Please leave a comment and thanks!

more powerful? for damage, the 1st one, imo…

and what is that swordsman C2 on the second build?

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To be true, I don’t like Deeds of Valor.

Everytime I see someone streaming using that, he runs almost dead without killing much.

People look at it and think: “At level 10 It doubles my attack ? Cool !!!”
Yeah, but it also zeroes your defense. And take in consideration that to get 10 stacks, you need te be hit 9 times, with increasing damage everytime, 'cause every hit your defense lowers.

If you got a healer in our pocket, it can be usefull, but without one it’s not worth it.

I would rather put points on “Double Pay Earn” and activate it when the enemy is nearly dead. Or Modschlag 'cause of the AoE Ratio+Overheat strike damage.

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Right. I can tell that I won’t be able to use Deeds of Valor while soloing at all. Makes me thinks that I should pick C1 Dragoon instead of C1 Doppelsoeldner. The only exception would be if it stacked on blocks and dodges. Even then… I probably wouldn’t survive in the higher level dungeons.

Try Bash Lv3 (Learn Att for Knockdown) + Gungho Lv2 + Concentrate Lv5 (Attribute lvl50 = 100 damage) + Pain Barrier Lv5,

or Lv1 Pain Barrier and put other 4 points to Gung Ho or Bash.

And for Deed of Valor,if you really need that skill, don’t go Lv5. just 2 or 3 only. And add 1 for Punish. 1 hit KO if you know how to use it. The rest spend on Double Pay Earn.

Your build will only have 3 burst damage skills, Cyclone, Pierce and Stabbing until you reach Rank 7 for Dragoon. You need priest friends or always buy Buff for auto attack. If you go Doppel C2, you need 2H sword and obviously you can’t use Finestra. But your damage probably good for bossing with Lv10 Cyclone and you will always need to wait for cd because you only have 3 good skills. :smiley:

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I don’t mind invest less than 100k for Lv50 Concentrate and Gung Ho. If you think you can’t invest less than 200k for Lv50 Concentrate and Gung Ho, It’s up to you. But I can tell you I have no problem at 2 stars map with only Finestra + Full Concentrate + Full Gung Ho without any priest buffs. Since you only have Swordsman c1, even Lv1 concentrate is better than nothing unless you want to save buff space for your buff limit.

1 hit = 1 group of monster, not 1 monster. 45sec cd with 11 hits is enough for me. If 1 hit from Concentrate only for 1 monster, I won’t invest a point on Concentrate either. So, with Priest buff, it’s a plus for your attack. :slight_smile:

Just my 2 cent. :smiley:

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Yeah, I guess Punish only needs 1 point. I’ll consider Double Pay Earn and Concentrate. I’d love to see how Double Pay Earn works with AOEs.
Honestly, I think that upgrading a weapon would be a better investment than learning the “attribute damage” auxiliaries. Once I become a baller, then I’ll start learning them.

Hey there!

I’ve been tinkering with some builds over the past few days, but I’m unsure about which one is the better option for PvE. Could someone lend me a hand?

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I enjoyed this during iCBT, so I’ll see how well it works out with Dragoon.

Suggestion: C2 Catap is a waste. Go for C3 for max mobility and rush.

250+ Dragoon C1Sword>C1Pelt>C1Hop>C3Catap>C1Dragoon KOBT

I am owning the pvp with this build and I can solo quests too coz of my high damage and mobility. :slight_smile:

your stat build please?

A normal STR DEX CON will do but it will still depends on your equipment. SInce I do PVP my Dex is around 130-150 then 100 CON and the rest is STR.

Before I did reset, my DEX was around 200+. Based on my experience, I would say that DEX CON is going to help you if you want a DPS Tank character. Reason is that you will not always have a decent tank in your party when you will do dungeon so you might wanna consider this build. Actually, most of the time you will not get a tank worst is there will be no healer.

Hop C1? For what purpose?

Hmm well petasta hoplite cata c3 is a pretty standard build. You get stabbing and finestra, which stay pretty useful even at just lvl 5. Also it allows you to use 1h spear + shield ( before getting rank 7 ). IMO a lot of 1h spears are actually far better than 2h spears ( until higher lvl ) and being able to use C block is pretty useful.

Otherwise with just cata you’d have to swap between 2h spear and not-spear / shield-dagger to taunt, and you’d lose finestra whenever you wanted to taunt.

The thing is, I don’t see any significance for Pelta with Cata C3. Swash is good, but Cata doesn’t really need it, it already has excellent mobility and damage, investing in a tank role for this class is a waste, in my opinion.

I don’t really think Finestra and Stabbing are useful on low levels. Bonuses are too small to be considered good, it’s essentially cripples the class. You also don’t have Spear Throw, which is spammable, Pierce…

I honestly prefer 2H Spears for Cata, much better utility. My own build is Sword - High - High - Cata - Cata - Cata - Dragoon.