Tree of Savior Forum

Zealot Synergy c-krivis3-xxx-zealot3

I am loving my blind faith combo going full SPR, however, not really sure if Im loving druid2 in the middle not because of lack of utility, but not seeing it scale off spirit in anyway.

It seems to me a waste of a lot of that spr potention healing wise just go druid. If only our grass could scalr off it…

Part of me was thinking on replacing those three middle rank (in my case, cleric2 and druid2) for cleric3 to make use of the linger attribute and probably add either oracle+kabba or just get plaguedoctor2 after changes+ something instead of cleric 3.

What do you say?
I wish paladin could scale better with spr outside turn undead.

I play c2 krivis 3 druid 2 zea 3 full SPR and it’s fine, both magic and phy dmg are great!

druid 2 grants you more ticks for zealot and heal/sterea for abusing the fanaticism+immolation.

the build works weird on barracks but is awesome if you are with a good party.

fanatic illusion>Fanatism>Melstsis>blind Faith> Inmolation>Empatic Trust>god finger flick… any regular boss implodes

Bokor3 also have spr scale.

confirm this c2 kri3 dru2 zealot3 full SPR is really strong
This is my build for main character
u can change cleric2 for paladin or monk for more 800 atk (at trans 10) but lesser utility and def
bokor3 instead of krivis3 is also fun but not strong as krivis because melstis is very important to zealot
diev3/miko is also available if u ok with that playstyle

My opinion about cleric2-kriv3-druid2-zealot3 full SPR is, it is an awesome build.

In my opinion sterea trofh is important to zealot especially when you use fanatasicm. Transforming into a medium sized animal also helps your physical offense. While it is true druid does not benefit from SPR, there is synergy between druid and zealot.

Full SPR cleric-kriv3-monk3-zealot3 works quite well too. Armor break and bleeding help with bossing. Golden bell shield also acts as an emergency button when using fanatasicm.

Oh by the way, this is just a theorycraft: I actually feel that using 2H-mace is better on a magic build whereas 1H-mace + sub is better on a physical build. 2H mace provides 5 blue gems to boost magic attack, whereas sub provides 3 red gems to boost physical attack. 1H-mace also provides more healing power, which is usually weaker on physical build (assuming not SPR build). I’m not sure how strong the red gems on main weapon are (increase max attack)?

Since we are talking about druids… why not ditch cleric 2 and go all the way to druid3?

Demiwolf wouldnt be great to use during fanaticism?

Druid is a Rank 6 class, either way its Druid3 Zealot2 or Druid2 Zealot3, irregardless of the Rank occupied by Cleric2. If you are not going full SPR or INT, you could find another class to replace Cleric2 (bad heals if little SPR/INT), but Cleric2 with SPR or INT is always a solid choice to have.

Duh, you are right!!! My bad.

If I choose druid c3 instead of zealot c3, will SPR still be my main stats? Also, is that important to have empatic thrust? I ask that because the demi wolf form is very very strong… I wonder if it’s a good path to follow